Monday, June 18, 2012

Tell the World I'm Comin' Home

Mothers don’t get a lot of ‘true’ vacations. I mean, even if you and the fam take off to an island paradise, or to the top of the mountains, Moms still find themselves doing laundry, folding clothes, preparing or organizing mealtimes, cleaning up and taking care of the kids. (aka -work = opposite of vacation)

There’s no drinking Mojitos on the beach when you’re too busy worrying one of your kids is getting sunburned. Or putting sand up their noses. Or is playing too close to the water, or are at risk of drowning, or being targeted by sharks, kidnapped by pirates, etc

Anyways, I did have a point, here, somewhere…Oh yes.

This Saturday, we will be flying back to the United States for a FIVE WEEK vacation! Unfortunately, the hubs didn’t get enough time off to accompany us so it’s just me and the girls (ages 4,6, and 8)…traveling on a plane…for eight hours.

Needless to say, I’m a little nervous about being the sole parent during this adventure.

But I’m also really excited. My kids haven’t seen the United States in three years and their English could definitely use the exposure. Not to mention, it will be great to see them with my parents again.

But the biggest reason I’m looking forward to THIS vacation?

*leans in for a conspiratory whisper*

Something strange and magical happens whenever I stay with my parents on vacation. I always try to help out and do my part, you see. But sometimes, when I go to do laundry, I realize it’s already done.

Sometimes food replenishes itself when I didn’t even go shopping!

People ask me what I want for dinner or tell me what we’re having! (I’m pretty sure every time this happens one wrinkle magically dissipates from my face and turns into a beaming fairy of light. This is how fairies are really born, you see. Try telling a mother that dinner is already taken care of and watch the magic unfold for yourself.)

It’s really a beautiful thing to see. Funny, the only time I get a ‘true’ vacation is when I go stay with my parents. But I will never be too old or proud to refuse reverting back to semi-kidhood in exchange for a little TLCJ

What are your vacation plans this summer? What was the best ‘true’ vacation you ever had?


shelly said...

Sweetman and me aren't palnning for any vaycay until March 2013-NYC- and then London, Paris, and Isreal May 2013. I can hardly wait. All my favorite places to visit.

This summer I'll be finally getting to the publishing aspects of Secondhand Shoes and drafting the second book along with others.

Kristen Wixted said...

I love vacations like that--I used to find refuge from my "Irish twins" when I visited my mom. Now they babysit their little brother so it's all good!
Anyway, you were one of the winners on my caption contest--Congrats!

And good luck on that flight ;) I hope they sleep.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Katie, I think you deserve a vacation like that, although sorry your husband can't go with you.
A perfect vacation for me involves no car travel. But I don't want to stay at home. Makes it tough!

Suzie F. said...

Yes! I know what you mean. When I'd stay with my parents, they would do the same thing. I loved feeling like their "kid" on these vacations.

Have a fabulous vacation!

jaybird said...

I feel the same way! (About dinner and vacation and my parents) Have a great trip, and don't worry about the flight, just grin and bear it, knowing your parents will be there to make it all better when you land. :)

Enjoy your time with the family and just relax. Everyone deserves a break. Especially busy moms.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Have fun! I don't have vacations like that at home or with my in-laws. I always seem to be the one doing the most in the kitchen.

The only time I get a vacation like that is when we go stay in a hotel, which is not that frequent.

Leigh Caron said...

The Caribbean cruise I went on was truly a vacation...everything is done for you. When people would visit me, I'd never let them do anything even if they offered to help. Have a fab time in the States, and so glad you appreciate your mom.

Connie Keller said...

The only thing better than that finding that your mom has done those things is when your kids magically decide to make coffee early in the morning, or fold laundry without being asked, or make dinner, etc., etc. That is total bliss. And it will happen, sooner or later. (Of course, that's right about the time they're ready to move out on their own...) :)

Gina Ciocca said...

Woo hoo! I just got back from vacation, and there is nothing better than eating food you didn't have to cook! Have a safe trip and welcome home!

Meredith said...

Haha, that sounds like the PERFECT vacation! Good luck with the plane ride, and have a fabulous time!

Talli Roland said...

There's nothing like going home to visit the parents, is there? LOVE it. I'm not going home this summer, because I'll be going back for three weeks around the end of September. Can't wait!

Leigh Ann said...

"Try telling a mother that dinner is already taken care of and watch the magic unfold for yourself."

Oh! Katie! Just the THOUGHT of this sends a tear rolling down my cheek!

Have fun in the States! And if you're near Ohio, drop me a line and we'll hang out.

Julie Dao said...

Have a GREAT vacation! Hope it's very relaxing :) I'm going to Hawaii in October so I'm excited for that!

Tamara Narayan said...

I know what you mean. I took a beach vacation with my family and my parents and my mom did all the cooking. Since we were not in our house, I had no cleaning to worry about. It was still work keeping the kiddos fed (picky little snickerdoodles they are) and entertained, but I loved every minute of it.

Good luck on the plane trip!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

And the best part is, you don't have to feel guilty because your parents will be ABSOLUTELY THRILLED to do this for you and their grandkids!

Enjoy your 5 week vacation and be sure to holler if you find yourself in the Philadelphia area.

There is a (strong, getting stronger) possibility that the hubs and I are taking off for a 4 day trip to Mexico City, or more precisely, to the pyramids outsdie Mexico City. And do you know what makes it even more awesome? It's book research!!

Writer Pat Newcombe said...

Vacations are great whereever you go, I think,,, But yes there is something magical about going somehwere you have very few chores to do! Long live mums and Dads...

S.A. Larsenッ said...

So excited we'll be on the same big chunk of land. lol Wish we could get together. ;D Have a fabulous time; cherish every moment.

The best 'real' mommy vacation I had was a few years back when my husband won a trip through his company. We went to NY and stayed in The Palace Hotel, where they truly know who to pamper a mom.

Carrie-Anne said...

I have no vacation plans lined up yet. My so-called fiancé has worsening agoraphobia, so we've never been able to take a real vacation together. I'd love to be able to revisit Cape Cod, or go to any beach on the Northeastern Seaboard. I'd also love to take a fourth trip to Israel and this time be on my schedule, not a tour organizer's schedule that often cuts short the time I'd prefer to be at certain places or museums.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful, wonderful time! Parents are amazing, aren't they? Sometimes mine even watch my kids for me for a few hours when we're visiting so I can go OUT all by myself.

JEM said...

That sounds amazing, good for you! The best "true" vacation I had was my honeymoon. There was just enough to keep me entertained, but not so much that I felt like I was missing something. I'm a power vacationer, so I usually go places where I want to see a bunch of stuff or do a lot of things. In Jamaica, we just ate, drank, and slept. It was fantastic :).

D.G. Hudson said...

We travelled for 8 hours or more with our kids when they were little and here are a couple of things that worked:

Have something new hidden away (new toy or game? pass to a theme park?) to distract them midway in the flight.

I had snacks to supplement the airline offerings. When older (your 8 yr old) the kids kept a travel journal of their own. Girls usually love this, since it's like a diary. Photograph them on this adventure and they can put photos in the travel journal later, they'll love it afterwards. Something to show friends (the older two)

You'll survive - you are woman and have the mother instinct. Anyone who can drive after knocking themselves with the hood of their car can survive a long flight - no problem.
Have a great time, hope we hear about it!

Nicole McLaughlin said...

I smiled reading this because I know exactly what you mean about staying with parents. It's heaven letting someone take care of you for awhile. Enjoy it!!!

Colene Murphy said...

Hahaha! Too funny. Enjoy you're vacation!

~Sia McKye~ said...

Visiting my parents was always a great thing. Relaxing. Even now, with my mom only 50 miles away, going home is still magical.

Enjoy your time!

One of the best vacations we took was to a resort on the ocean in Northern California. No phones, wi-fi, TV,in fact, nothing electrical--other than lights was allowed. Very relaxing.


Matthew MacNish said...

Sounds like your mom will be taking over most of your duties. That's awesome, Katie, enjoy. Will you be in Connecticut?

Kimberly Gabriel said...

What a wonderful vacation! Enjoy Katie!

Old Kitty said...

Awww Katie! How thoroughly and utterly exciting for you and your gorgeous girls! How wonderful!! Awwww it sounds like it's going to be the best! Sorry your hubby can't come with you - there's always next time!!

Enjoy!! Take care

mshatch said...

When my son was younger and I lived away from my family it was such a treat to come home because of exactly what you describe. It was lovely. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your vacation :)

DL Hammons said...

The longest vacation I've EVER had was ten days. I can't even imagine not working for FIVE WEEKS! If your traveling through Arkansas during your US trek...give me a hollar! :)

Carrie Lynne said...

I am leaving this Saturday to spend a week with my Mom. I am going to post this on her refrigerator. Can I also add that she not give me a curfew .

Botanist said...

Oh, this is so true. Did you realize it also applies to fathers who take an active part in all that laundry/shopping/cooking stuff? I often wondered where my house elf had disappeared to once I left university ;D

Vacation plans for us...hitch up the trailer and drive off to a campground near a beach. Somehow, when you're camping, shopping & cooking doesn't seem like work in quite the same way.

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

LOL! I'm totally with you, girl. I LOVE being with my mom. Just because, and also because she loves to do our laundry. :)

Have a wonderful time Stateside with your folks!

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