Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oh Query Day! Oooohh Query Daaayy...

First off, I wanna give a special birthday shout out to a child blogger who never fails to add a smile to the blogosphere.  Lenny Lee is turning 11 today!  He’s been through a lot and we’re so happy he’s with us to share his sunny comments, dreams and writing!  

Happy Birthday / Joyeux Anniversaire Lenny!! 

Other news:  It’s query day.  Duh duh duh!!   Last beta feedback has been incorporated and I’ve received the ‘thumbs up’  so I’ve decided to grow a pair #hitsend and test the waters... just to see.  I guess I probably shouldn’t have querried my top choice agents first but what can I say?  I’m a glutton for punishment.   Thanks for sticking with me these last six weeks while I’ve talked about my own Creepy Revision Process and Killing Time Between Revisions…Productively If you missed it and want a recap- we talked about:

And READING BOOKS  Yes- you guessed it!  The last way to kill time between revisions productively is to read!  I got through Dan Brown’s ‘The Last Symbol’- which reminded me that books containing long winded detail, description, and explications still exist in the adult world (I’d almost forgotten while hybernating in my YA cave) and these books are still just as good!  I also read ‘Wicked Lovely’ and ‘Personal Demons’.  Which leaves ‘Wintergirls’ and ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ for the plane ride to the U.S. and back this weekend!  Whoohoo!

Let the query wars begin!  Wish me luck!

**Okay I swear I really am UNPLUGGING now until I get back from my U.S. trip next Wednesday!  I’ll miss you all!!**



Samantha Vérant said...

Good luck! good luck!

Lindsay said...

Good luck. I'm with you on just hitting send...I'm in the same 'close my eyes and press send on query' phase. lol.

Oh, and Wintergirls is FANTASTIC. :)

Old Kitty said...

Ooooooooh I hope I'm not too late and you've not completely unplugged!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with your querying!!! All the best with it!!

Yay - happy birthday to Lenny- I've just been over his blog to wish him happy birthday!!

Take care and all the best!!!


Laura Pauling said...

Good luck querying! Strap in for the ride. And I just finished The Lost Symbol last night. Great example of a page turner. Lots of historical detail, but I found it all interesting. Except for the last few chapters when the story shold have ended or been incorporated into the story! Have a fun trip to the USA!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Sending you lucky mojo!! Good choice in reads to kill time.

angelarene said...

Good luck with the queries Katie...May you get many full requests!!

Susan Fields said...

Good luck! And happy birthday to Lenny - what a wonderful little boy!

Matthew MacNish said...

Lenny rules. Happy Birthday bud!

Good luck with querying Katie, I'm sure you'll do really well.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Lenny! He's so super cool!!!!

Yay for crawling out of the YA cave for awhile. Eat, Pray, Love was amazing... loved it!!!

All hail the query queen... I can feel it! Positive news will be heading your way one of these days :)

Candyland said...

Ooohhh good luck today!!!
And happy birthday Lenny!

Unknown said...

Is that Dan Brown I see in the stack? Nooooooo!!!!


I've actually never read any of his stuff, I just like throwing fuel on the fire. Hope this query is the one!

Renae said...

Good luck today!

LTM said...

good luck, honey! Your query is amazing... fingers crossed tightly over here~

now try to forget about it and have fun at the wedding! :D <3

Carolyn V. said...

Oh my gosh!!! Good luck on the queries!!! *fingers crossed*

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Good luck, Katie - and enjoy your trip!! :-)

Hart Johnson said...

Good luck with the querying! I actually link a FABULOUS Querying manifesto today, if you are interested. I loved her 'get real' advice on the matter.

And you're going to the US and back in one weekend? Holy COW! Good luck witht he jet lag! In fact... stay on a France time schedule! What on earth would you just need to be here for a day or two for? (travel safely!)

Joanna St. James said...

oh good luck and happy birthday Lenny.
I read the symbol a few months agao and I agree he should have stopped writing about three quarters of the book, it was genius until then

Colene Murphy said...

Good luck to you!!!

Happy Birthday to Lenny!!

Theresa Milstein said...

Happy birthday, Lenny!

Good luck with your querying.

I think I have Wicked Lovely on my pile too.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LENNY! You are very special to so many of us!

Good luck with querying, Katie...Wintergirls is really good!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Already wished Lenny a happy birthday. Good luck with the querying. And I won't believe unplugging until I see it!

Vicki Rocho said...

Good luck with the Query Wars! Can't wait to read some good news here soon.

Yesterday Alex took over the blogosphere and today it's Lenny. He was the first blog I hit this morning.

Diane J. said...

Have fun on your trip! And Good Luck with Query Day!

WritingNut said...

Oooh.. good luck Katie!!! We're all rooting for you! :)

Suzie F. said...

Lots of luck with querying! Wishing you a safe, fun trip. Hope you enjoy Wintergirls as much as I did.

Emma Michaels said...

New follower!!!

Emma Michaels

Nicole Zoltack said...

Good luck querying! Be sure to keep us all updated!

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss katie! dont worry about that query stuff. just believe in you. thanks for the nice birthday wish. it was real nice of you to put it on your blog. i like it in french too! i got the card you sent to me all the way from france. wow that was a real nice surprise. big thanks! i hope you have a nice trip. im gonna miss you.
...hugs from lenny

K M Kelly said...

Good luck with the Agent stalking :-)

Christina Lee said...

You go get em, girl! And have a wonderful trip!

Anonymous said...

Good luck and enjoy your trip.

Laura Pauling said...

And I have an award for you on my blog today (monday)!

Anonymous said...

Growing a pair is always awesome! *crosses fingers* *crosses toes* *crosses other people's fingers*


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