Monday, February 14, 2011

Just Kiss Already Blogfest

In honor of the big V-Day I've joined in Christina Lee's and Stina L's Just Kiss Already Blogfest!  Below is a 250 word excerpt from my YA contemporary romance Love Potion N° NOT!.  Be sure to check out the other entries here.  Have a great Valentines Day everyone!
Craig turned towards her, shaking his head.  His eyes flickered over her features.  “I don’t think you’re a loser, if that’s what you mean.”  He took her hand in his and they looked at each other for a moment; crystal blue eyes meeting deep brown. 
She barely had time to think before he closed the distance between them in one step and his lips were on hers, nudging her head upwards gently.  Avery started in panic, eyes wide and lips pliant beneath his kiss.  Warmth from his body seeped through her until her eyes slowly fluttered closed, her lips finally working against his.  She ran her fingers up through his soft hair while Craig’s arms circled her, pulling her closer to him.  He inched her back toward the brick wall, finally pinning her in place as the kiss grew heated, their mouths meeting harder and tongues sliding together in perfect rhythm.  Avery pressed against him and he pressed back, one hand gripping the back of her thigh.
BAM!  The door to the parking lot slammed open and Craig pulled away, breathless.  “Jesus.” He turned away from the doorway where students began to flow out into the parking lot, signaling the show had ended.  Avery gripped the wall behind her, chest rising and lips swollen.  They swayed inwards, hungry to take up where they had left off. 
“Hey Craig!”
Craig’s head flew up, the spell broken.  “Shit.”  His eyes grazed over Avery’s body once more before he pushed away from the wall.  “I gotta go.”


Samantha Vérant said...

Hubba, hubba! More! More! More!

Janet Johnson said...

Phew! The morning's starting hot and heavey. :) And Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Um, yeah! Loving the second paragraph. More please...

Unknown said...

Yeah, that was kinda hot. I need to read more!

Anne Gallagher said...

It's a good thing he was interupted. That was too hot for me at 8am.

Stina said...

Oh, no! You can't end there. I want more!!!

This is one of my favorite so far. Great kiss!

Laura Pauling said...

I love kissing scenes that are interrupted! Great tension.

JE said...

Haha, you had me front, "I don't think you're a loser ..."

Nice. And when two people get interupted? Frustratingly perfect. Nice job!


Meredith said...

Ah, I want more, too! Sounds like the hero is embarrassed--such great tension!

Gina Ciocca said...

You know I'm always too shy to mention tongue action, but I love that you went for it!

Hot stuff!

Matthew MacNish said...

Awesome. BAM! I loved the interruption because I was getting a little uncomfortable. Just kidding. Well done Katie!

Christine Fonseca said...

Ah nice! LOVE IT!!

Jennifer Hoffine said...

That's some major PDA...well, almost PDA. Great stuff!

April Plummer said...

Nice! What a fun blog post! Love the tension and the interruption is perfect...if aggivating!

LTM said...

reow! Good stuff---H-O-T, hot! :D Swollen lips and all! Happy V'day in the city of luuv~ :o) <3 xoxo

Kelly Polark said...

That was smokin'!
I love how their kiss was interrupted and he had to go. Creates longing and tension!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

*waves hand in front of face* Oh, my. Steamy. :-)

Old Kitty said...

Oh no!!! Coitus interuptus!!! LOL!!! Talk about steamy!!! Yay for Craig and Avery - I hope they get to meet up later...!!! Take care

Angela said...

Steamy. Is this a romance?

Unknown said...

What the heck. Things were just starting to get interesting.(: Good stuff.

Unknown said...

"Warmth from his body seeped through her until her eyes slowly fluttered closed, her lips finally working against his."

This gave me that fuzzy feeling inside. Loved it!

mshatch said...

I gotta go? Right in the middle of a kiss? That's just mean.


Lindsay said...

Nooooo. It can't end there!!! Great kissing scene :)

Donna K. Weaver said...

O_o I gotta go???


Christina Lee said...

Yeah I bet her lips were pliant! woo hoo!!!!!!!

Melissa said...

This is a fanfreakingtastic kissing scene! Stupid kids for interrupting and someone calling Craig and making him leave.... things were just getting good :P

Dawn Ius said...

The problem with your awesome tease is that I can't turn the page for more RIGHT NOW. Excellent. Happy Valentine's Day. xo

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Wow. That was some kiss. Great job. Yes, something always seems to spoil the first kiss, doesn't it? Roland

Unknown said...

Yowzer! That was a steamy kiss. What a shame about the intrusion into the bliss of the kiss. ;)

Colene Murphy said...

AHH! No! Get out get out! Let them kiss some more!! This was hot hot! Amazing job Katie!!

K. M. Walton said...

I love how they wanted to get right back to kissing - and I especially like how you worded it.

Unknown said...

Wow what a kiss! And what a get-away...

"His eyes grazed over Avery’s body once more before he pushed away from the wall. “I gotta go.”"
--> LOL Brilliant!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Woo-ee, I'm fanning myself here. Very hot and steamy! I haven't read this one of yours -- Is it a completed ms?

Jenn said...

Whoa, could the second paragraph BE any hotter? Lol great job with the kiss!

Talei said...

Woo hoo! Hot kiss, loved it!! ;-)
Hope you're having a fab Valentine's Day!

Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth said...

I liked the scene. I got caught up in it, but I didn't like Craig! He was not nice at the end! OMG.

I'm your new follower. You are a very good writer. ;)

Tracy said...

Booyah! Up against the wall on school grounds. Now THAT is hot!! Damn stupid schedule interrupting all the fun. I'm with you, Avery, I'd need to grab the wall too!

Raquel Byrnes said...

Wow, I guess he DOESN'T think she's a loser. Loved the interruption and his exit...tense!
Edge of Your Seat Romance

Wendy Sparrow said...

Oh man!!! I hate that they were interrupted!!! Gah! Dang it! Good stuff, btw. Steamy.

Anonymous said...

well damn! That's one steamy YA! Love that you're willing to push the envelope :) and looove the interruption, awesome use of tension!

WritingNut said...

Ooh.. I loved it! Darn that intruder! :)

Anonymous said...

Hate those interruptions.

Nice job.

Julie Musil said...

Woo hoo! *fans self* Nice kissing scene. You've left us all wanting more, which is a great sign.

Natalie Decker said...

This was so good and then Bam ending. =( Stupid intruder Indeed!

Loved this though!


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