As most of my favorite shows came to their season’s end last month, I gotta say I couldn’t WAIT for True Blood to start back up. I haven’t seen the first episode yet (no spoilers please:) but I’ll hopefully get to watch it on streaming tonight.
Now, the hubs HATES any teen drama/paranormal shows so I have to wait until he’s not around and watch them on my computer. I feel like I’m some kind of addict, hiding in a closet, snorting ABC family and the CW.
Shows that have sparked my interest this summer?-

What are you guys watching this summer or what are you looking forward to for this coming fall?
Hope you all had a good weekend!
I am watching ... nothing. I don't have cable. However, I think I might get some early True Blood seasons via Netflix. I've seen the first season (and read all the books), and seeing all this hype around it makes me feel like watching a few more episodes!
I am a True Blood addict, but my daughter is making me watch Chloe with her. That's about all the TV my system can take.
I've read all the Sookie Stackhouse books and seen season 1 & 2 of True Blood and can't wait to get season 3 on Netflix. my son and I are currently finishing up watching The Walking Dead which we're really liking and there are a few shows on scifi I'll be wanting to watch like Eureka and Warehouse 13. I do, however, try to limit my television watching and I seldom watch tv every night. too much writing to do!
so, Erik or Bill?
Switched at Birth & Pretty Little Liars are two I'm hooked on. I watch a ton of Bravo and HBO was free this weekend so I racked up on movies.
Other pleasures - Big Brother & So You Think You Can Dance.
I like True Blood but as I don't have HBO, I'm stuck waiting for seasons to come out on DVD so I am way behind there.
I'm a fan of So You Think You Can Dance and a lot of the shows on USA network. Burn Notice and White Collar, most notably.
Supernatural! Best show on TV :)
I don't watch a lot of TV so with the exception of True Blood, I haven't actually heard of any of the other shows you mentioned. I'll have to check them out this fall.
We still don't have HBO. Grrr...I want to see True Blood so badly. I did, however, start watching Teen Wolf. It's near the lines of what I write in YA so that's cool.
House & CSI. I love forensics and medical mysteries. And I guess I'll have to watch Smallville re-runs on the CW, since it's over *sniffle*
I'm really not watching much of anything. Right now I'm watching the first season of Glee on Netflix. I'll have to watch the rest on my laptop because my husband can't stand that show. I also watch So You Think You Can Dance - I DVR it and watch it when hubby isn't around LOL. Actually, most of my shows I have to watch alone, now that I think about it.
Having just discovered The Big Bang Theory, my husband and I are catching up on all the prior seasons of it via Netflix. I also watch Torchwood via Netflix (but only when the husband isn't home 'cause he doesn't like it). However, now that they've killed of Ianto Jones, I'm not so sure I want to keep watching. Other than that, I'm looking for suggestions on what to watch next.
I'm waiting for the new series of 'Fringe' and 'Spartacus'. Oh and they need to hurry up with the new 'Game of Thrones' too.
I can't wait for the autumn schedules solely for the return of the new BBC Sherlock Holmes series 2! Yay!!! Oh and autumnwatch. It's kind of reality show featuring nature! LOL!!! It's soothing!! LOL!!
Take care
Breaking Bad is a great show, not exactly pleasant, but a great show.
I don't generally watch TV. I wait for the good shows to come out on DVD and then I'll spend a whole day or two watching a season at a time.
Ps- don't take the pd review personally. I know plenty of Mary-somethings from my grandmas generation, but none nowadays. It was still a fun read but I would have liked less frannie and more luc!
I'm hooked on Game of Thrones...too bad it's over. :( Still watch Men of a Certain age (great writing) and Fringe.
Since Mike and I got the movie review gig, we're seeing a lot of movies. :)
I love True Blood but sadly don't have HBO so I'm waiting for Netflix to send me the DVDs of last season and I can't wait to get them! And summer isn't summer to me without So You Think You Can Dance and I'm going to give Chloe King a try as well. Mostly I'm trying to limit myself to those so I don't have too many options when I'm looking for an excuse not to write.
A little embarassed to admit this but I am THRILLED that Big Brother is starting up soon on CBS. Nothing like watching people talk smack about behind each other's backs while the cameras are rolling. LOL
And I can't live without the Bacheloretee. I try to stay away each time a new season pops up and I just can't.
Anyone else still in mourning that Lost is over? I haven't found a suitable substitute since its finale.
We watch True Blood, but I haven't seen the new one yet.
I'm sad that Game of Thrones is over for now, but I'm looking forward to more, and to the next season of The Walking Dead.
No HBO here, either, but I just got the 3rd season of True Blood on DVD for my birthday this weekend. My family loves baseball, so we're usually watching that during the week all summer long. But we will try to remember to watch Eureka and maybe Burn Notice and Royal Pains.
Thank goodness I'm not the only non-teenager watching Nine Lives! I'm kind of loving it, even though it's totally ridiculous. And I can't wait to see the first ep of True Blood! I'm hoping to watch it today. If I get enough work done. :)
We just got Netflicks, so at the moment I've been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I'd only seen the first 3 seasons before) and am getting the 5th season of Supernatural delivered. I bet they've got True Blood too (I've seen season one on that). I'm not a big fan of the teen soap variety, but if you add the paranormal or a mystery (like Veronica Mars) then it pulls into great TV.
Hahahaha! That made me snort laughing because that's exactly what I have to do too! With the SAME SHOWS!! (he calls it my 12 year old girl shows. PLL, NLoCK, True Blood...swooooon I'm so glad theyre all back!) Enjoy True Blood tonight. Only half way through the episode myself, will finish on my lunch break. Gotta get my fix to get through the day...
Teen mom! We don't have cable or satellite or more than two channels that we can get to come in. Thank god it's CBS for The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother! But I watch Teen Mom online the day after it airs :) I might have to check out Teen Wolf, I've heard good things about it so far.
Game of Thrones (loving it)! And True Blood, of course. I'm lucky though, cause my hubby likes to watch it with me. Oh and I almost forgot, So You Think You Can Dance which is simultaneously ridiculous and amazing!
Hey guys, I work with ABC Family and I’m so excited for a new episode of The Nine Lives of Chloe King tomorrow! I really like how the season started, and I’m curious to see what Chloe will uncover. Has anyone else been watching?
The Nine Lives of Chloe King looks really good. I don't really watch TV but if I had cable I would watch that.
Awesome Beth! If you don’t have cable, you can actually still watch it online. The first episode is available to download on iTunes for free ( and the full episode will be available the day after it airs on Has anyone else seen it yet? You can catch the show tonight at 9/8c too!
Thanks for the info abcfamily. One thing to keep in mind is that ex-pats like myself can't watch the videos on abc family. I haven't tried itunes yet but I'm sure there will probably be a region block on it. Do you have any options for americans abroad?
I'm not watching any series this summer, although the ones on this post do look good. Sometimes I channel surf through CNN prime time or other talk shows to see what's going on in the world.
I love True Blood! I have watched the first two episodes and I am loving this season.
Sorry you can’t watch the videos on! To watch the show abroad, I’d recommend iTunes!
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