Friday, September 23, 2011

Grab Some Bloffee and Pull Up A Chair

Welcome everybody to Friday Morning Follower’sBloffee!  -A way to meet new people and up your followers during your normal friday morning rituals.  Place your breakfast contribution on the counter and settle in!

 All you have to do to participate is 1.  Comment. 
2. Tell me what you’ve brought for morning bloffee.  (Today I’ve started out with a pot of coffee and a carton of virtual krispy cream donuts because in real life I only get to taste one once every three years or so...which is probably best for my waist line.) 
3. Click on someone you don’t know in the comments section and check out their blog!  Voila- a new friend and potential follower connection has been made!

In the meantime I’ll be hanging around for chat in the comments (which I hardly ever do) so feel free to check back if you’ve left a question or comment.  Tell me- what did you blog about this week and did you notice any big themes going on in the blogging world?  I noticed quite a few posts about online personality versus real life personality.  Do you think you change while blogging in order to put your best face forward?  I also noticed quite a few posts about knowing when to move on in the querying process, including mine.  Thanks so much to all who commented!  The thing I learned this week is that it’s important to keep going no matter what.  -Keep querying the project you’re most excited about at the moment!  Any other blog posts that really stuck with you this week I should know about? 

Enjoy the food and conversation and have a great weekend everyone!


Laura Pauling said...

I brought the cinnamon sticks!

I've noticed quite a few posts about blogging and is it dead and should we do it and how should we do it. I've noticed several "honest" posts with people talking about being on the other side of having an agent and a book deal. Or maybe those just stick out to me. And of course, the whole self publishing thing!

Stina said...

Sorry, my brain's still asleep. It's only 5:12 am my time. I can't remember anything I read on the blogs this week (wow, that's sad). I know there were a number of posts on the same topic, but I can't remember what they were. Maybe something to do with "is blogging dead?"

Miranda Hardy said...

I'm bringing muffins! Blueberry crumb. Yum!

I've been reading a lot of blogs on being overwhelmed, which I wrote on last week. Also enjoying a campaign challenge where people post 200 word posts/stories. Love what people come up with.

Have a great weekend.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I'm actually dressed, this morning. So yeah...I'm bringing me! :)

This week has pretty much been a blog week to help other authors. I've highlighted books and reviewed. :)

Unknown said...

I brought my newly made cinnamon roll pancakes, and some delicious hot apple cider.

I've noticed the blogging world's discussed a lot about outlining, is blogging really worth it, and how to get the most out of networking. I know this because every time I blog about a subject it's normally what my friends are thinking!

I don't think I change while blogging either... it's not in my DNA to change my personality. It's me.

Isis Rushdan said...

I'm bringing assorted bagels from Panera. Dibs on cinnamon raisin. BTW, I can only do this in the virtual world since there is no Panera here in England. *Sighs*

I've seen a lot on maximizing Twitter and questions about whether or not blogging is worth it.

This week has been all about movies on my blog. First Alex's Worst Movies Ever blogfest, then today An Unexpected Gem I found.

K M Kelly said...

I've brought some Dorset Nob biscuits. :-)

I've noticed quite a few blogfests running recently amongst the blogs I frequent :-)

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww I'll go and rustle up more omelette baps as I've just eaten the ones I meant to bring! LOL!

Erm... there was lovely Theresa Milstein's blog about finding time to write and Lexi Revellian's debate about the future (or not) of e-publishing. And Monday just gone was Meow Like a Pirate Day!! Yay!

Take care

Creepy Query Girl said...

oh wow I missed the 'blogging is dead' post!

And Stina! How are you gonna do your cool links if you can't remember any blogposts you read this week! Wake up woman! LOL

Miranda- I didn't join the campain but I sure am enjoying the 200 prompt posts too. I'll take a blueberry muffin, thanks:)

Oooh cinnemon pancakes sound great Jen! I've noticed a lot of networking posts too. Sometimes I feel bad for people who don't enjoy social networking- makes it that much harder to promote their work.

Hi Sheri- Yeah, I've been trying to up support for debut authors and also self published authors recently. Great stuff!

Isis- Mmmn bagels are hard to come by in france too. I loved Alex's worst movie bloghop. So much fun to read all the entries. Okay so now I offically have to read the 'is blogging worth it?' post. Totally missed that!

Creepy Query Girl said...

Kate- been enjoying the blogfests from afar but I'll actually be joining a bloghop for banned books next week. Thanks for the Dorset Nobs! What are they? LOL

Thanks Old Kitty! That's okay if you ate them- we've got enough stuff here for everything I think. And I'm gonna check out the future of epublishing post! Thanks!

mshatch said...

How about a brownie for breakfast? Mind you, I don't do this often but...

As for blog posts I read a few on outlining and characterization which stood out.

Anna Banks said...

Morning! I brought pumpkin spice muffins, because it's almost freaking October! Woo hoo!

I've also noticed the back and forth between self pubbing and traditional pubbing dilemma on blogs this week. I used to be a self-pubbing snob (i.e. "I would NEVER do that!") But there have been some great agruments for it, and I've been swayed to reconsider my opinion--which means that blogs are still relevant and influential. :)

Have a great day everyone!

Sarah Tokeley said...

I'll just bring cupcakes. They work well anywhere :-)

I know it's been mentioned but the 'Is blogging dead?' theme has been everywhere this week it seems!

Gina Ciocca said...

I'll go with waffles, since that's what I'm eating right now (mine are frozen, but let's pretend they're fresh out of the waffle iron.)

I can honestly say my blog is straight up me. If I'm discouraged, I say so. If I'm happy, I share. I can't put on a persona unless I'm writing a novel.

Like the others, I've been seeing a lot of buzz about blogging having had its day. And a lot of people seem to be writing about their discouragement/frustrations with the whole publishing process. But I'm going to concentrate on Cynthia Hand's post from yesterday in which she announced ARCs for UNEARTHLY # 2 (HALLOWED) are now available. And I will be stalking my sales rep at Harper Collins until she hooks me up!

Emily White said...

Mmm...krispy cream donuts... *drool*

I'll bring my very delicious teavana tea! And because everyone loves chocolate, I'll be making the tiramisu treviso tea! Mmm!

I'm afraid I was pretty absent from the blogosphere this week due to a death in my office--my computer's. :)

Samantha Vérant said...

I have three cups of Nespresso. What else? (bahahaha!) I think we writers will keep the world of blogging alive– although I have noticed some people have been dropping out! We need each other! On that, has anybody heard a peep about Grandpa from Life On the Farm? I've emailed, FaceBooked, and even sent a note to his son! I'm worried about him!

DEZMOND said...

ooh, I always wanted to attend one of these bloffees :) Since I'm known as a cake baker, among other things, I brought some banana/rum cake with me ;)
I think this week was in the sign of worst movies blogfest. I didn't take part, but I read and commented on other people's posts who did take part :) It was lovely seeing everyone trash John Travolta's movies :)

Marie Rose Dufour said...

I'm bringing some Dunkin' Donuts coffee and bagel this morning. This week I blogged about my new release that came out on Monday. Yeah! Also now that my book has been released, promo-ing it has been on my mind. I have been reading a lot of blogs lately that talk about either being a "pantser".

Connie Keller said...

I'm bringing a Dutch bunny sprinkled with powdered sugar and fresh lemon juice. (But sadly, I'm still in my pajamas. Sorry.)

Yes, I've noticed a lot of people dropping out recently. But if memory over the last few years serves, the end of August through September tends to be really slow. Things pick up again in October. At least, it better--I need you all.

julie fedderson said...

I'm obsessed with Nutella right now, so I'll bring that on toast and bananas. It's a treat Elvis would have loved. I have seen a lot of posts about people taking time off from blogging due to life getting in the way. I try to stay true to my personality when I blog, but I cringe occasionally when I reread, because I sound sort of psychotic. That's what you get when you talk about insects and slugs mating on your blog, though.
Happy Friday!

Creepy Query Girl said...

Glad you could make it Dezmond! Welcome!

Sam- I definitely noticed a lull in bloggerworld but it might have been because I myself was participating less. Now that I'm focusing on the blogging, I can't believe how much I've been missing out on. Whatever the arguments, bloggin will never be dead to me!

Congratulations Marie! That's so exciting!

Oooh, I'll check out Cynthia's post!- Thanks Gina!

Connie Keller said...

I'm bringing a Dutch bunny sprinkled with powdered sugar and fresh lemon juice. (But sadly, I'm still in my pajamas. Sorry.)

Yes, I've noticed a lot of people dropping out recently. But if memory over the last few years serves, the end of August through September tends to be really slow. Things pick up again in October. At least, it better--I need you all.

Creepy Query Girl said...

Yeah Connie- I noticed a definite lull too over the summer. IT seems to be lasting awhile though. Dutch bunny sounds delicious! lol

Julie- my kids and hubs are huge nutella fans. It's like the french equivalent to peanut butter! lol

vic caswell said...

ohman! i didn't make it over here last week, but this is a really cute idea!

i've brought some simply orange and scrambled eggs to help regulate some blood sugars after everyone has gorged on this gorgeous array of sugared delicacies!

i haven't noticed many repeating themes this week. unless you count alex cavanaugh's blogfest.

sommer leigh had a really useful post series about copyright and how it applies to blogging:

now, off to check out stina's blog! i've seen her EVERYWHERE, but never taken the time to go check her out! this bloffee feature might just help me remember to try to be a little more social with my social media! thanks girl!

Matthew MacNish said...

I brought some fresh berries, because I'm hungry, but on a diet.

And I thought I would know everyone, but I didn't. So I went to follow Isis.

Becky Mahoney said...

I've been really terrible about blogging this week, so I didn't post about much, sadly. That's probably why I'm doing a post on time management later today!

And I'm bringing the breakfast I wish I had this morning: chicken biscuits with gravy. Oh savory, fattening goodness, how I love you.

Creepy Query Girl said...

Thanks for the eggs vic! I was craving scrambled today:) And Stina's blog is awesome! Enjoy!

Matt- in virtual bloffee land you can eat whatever you want! So I'm making your berries into jelly for my toast:)

Oooh, I've never had chicken biscuits with gravy Becky! You made me want to google a recipe. lol.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I'll just mosey on over to someone new and say hello. Have a great weekend!

J.L. Campbell said...

I popped away from Lydia's blog and stopped in at home. Brought some banana nut bread with me.

As to personality, it's too much work being anybody else but me, so what you shines through on my blog is what you get.

Going to check out someone else. Cool concept. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I think I'm supposed to bring something. How rude of me. Ket's see. What's in the fridge? How about some awesome and very expensive real maple syrup. Not that store brand stuff. The real deal. It's really good. Great for pancakes, waffles, french toast. You name it.

Nighfala said...

Bagels, lox and cream cheese.

I blogged about being overwhelmed and frustrated. I've taken "author" off my name on my facebook account because I'm not actually writing at the moment, other than online story threads.

I don't have much time to read blogs with my crazy working soccer mom life but I sure hope blogging isn't dead because I really enjoy reading and posting. I miss that part of my life before I went back to full time office slavery.

Slamdunk said...

I am going with the Lucky Charms this morning.

I did not notice any specific themes this week, but I visit a variety so that is not unusual.

Enjoy your weekend CQG.

Lydia Kang said...

What a sweet idea! I brought green tea and poached eggs.

Okay, off to visit a new blog...

April Plummer said...

Oooh, fun! I brought Jamaican-Me-Crazy coffee this morning!

I didn't blog too much because, as you know, I'm trying to focus on writing. Actually, I haven't been able to do that either because work has been absolutely insane these past couple weeks.

But, I did blog. Today, I blogged about how I'm a contradiction - in real life, I need a plan for everything, down to which pair of underwear I'm wearing the next day. However, when I write...I don't plan. I don't outline. I just swing it.

Ask me to go home and not know what we're going to do that evening, and I freak out.

Ask me to give you a complete outline of my story before I begin Chapter 1...and I freak out.

Cheryl said...

For the most part, I try to be on my best behavior while blogging. I don't really consider it changing personality, but rather keeping the obnoxious part of me under control. In other words, using the 'if you can't say anything nice' rule. Otherwise my blog would be full of rants about things that annoy me, and that would get boring really fast.

I'm bringing the BLT's because, well do I have to have a reason? Bacon = awesome. (Unless you're a vegetarian of course, in which case you can have an LT ;))

Liz said...

A bottle of water, antibiotics, and Nyquil. It's gonna be a fun morning.

Jennifer Shirk said...

I'm bringing some corned beef. I know, I know! But I had a craving for some protein and ate some this morning.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Would anyone care for a cup of gunpowder green tea? I promise it doesn't explode....

I noticed a lot of blogfests this week. It's also nice to see people talking about their books or promoting someone else's work.

Creepy Query Girl said...

I actually started switching out my afternoon coffee for a cup of gunpowder green! Great stuff!

Anonymous said...

Nice! Got my DD iced coffee. Yum!

Gina Dickerson said...

I've been kind of in a shell this week editing WIP!

I've read blogs about new books out and self publishing mostly.
Late afternoon here so I'm having coffee and home-made cupcakes. Hardly know anyone so I'm off to read blogs!

~Sia McKye~ said...

I brought some homemade mocha lattes.

I hear that Miranda brought blueberry crumb muffins. Hand one over and no one will get hurt. :-)

While I enjoy most of my bloggers' articles, Christie Craig's post on Wednesday really resonated with me. How to fight off self doubt.

Helen Ginger, Straight from Hel had a good post Wednesday on Goodreads and how they use their stats.

Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

REINHARDT! said...

I haven't been out to the groceries lately, so it's a box of generic (yet organic) honey nut O-shaped cereal. No bowls. Just grab a spoon and go to town. No milk, either, because I have a *thing* about cereal milk. Eew.

As far as blogging self vs. real self--I don't know if I have the wherewithal to deal with another version of me. I'm so neurotic/nerdy that I can't really hide it. I guess I swear less online, and I'm less of a curmudgeon. But I don't try to convey a different personality.

Topics: I've been following the Gay YA controversy from the end of last week. It has really made me think about agents' power to affect what we as readers see in the marketplace, and whether I am totally comfortable with that.

Olga said...

Anything to do with creativity and life in general is not about how many times you've fallen, but how many times you get up. At least that's how I feel about myself.

Marsha Sigman said...

Ok, I'm late but I got 2-day old doughnuts someone left in the breakroom and half a coffee cheese cake thingy.

I want to read the posts about when to move on in the query process! And I had no idea blogging was dead. I feel ok...

Christina Lee said...

Pumpkin muffins and lattes??? I enoyed reading the comments and agree with what most others have already said--blogging being dead, self- pubbing, annoucements etc.

Ashley Elston said...

How about some chicken salad sandwiches since it's lunch around here now!
I've read some great reviews on books coming out in the next few weeks. My to-be-read pile has grown significantly!

Hart Johnson said...

Ha! I wonder how many weeks it will take before I remember you are doing this. It is such a great idea, but I always show up when most of the food is already gone... I brought chocolate covered espresso beans to get people through to their weekend... not long now!

Amber said...

Let's see, what to bring. Asiago cheese bagels? Yes, that.

I noticed something weird on twitter this week. There was the usual publishing/writing discussion and the twitter/social media discussion, as well as the what-my-kids-and-dogs-are-up-to discussion. Which is all good. I follow mostly writers and publishing types, so that's the shtick.

But all of a sudden, now I know so many of their stands on the death penalty. I know that was a hot topic in the news, but it got me thinking. I didn't share my stand on it, nor would I necessarily feel comfortable doing so in that forum, or debating it. Particularly because these are not just "friends", but technically, business contacts. It definitely kicked off a "Umm... let's go play somewhere else for a spell." moment for me.

Creepy Query Girl said...

To all the late commers- no worries! I've still got some sangria left over from last week! Help yourselves:) Woah Amber- yeah when things start turning towards politics, religion or some other big taboo controversial subject I usually go play elsewhere too! lol

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss katie! wow! breakfast with you all the way in france! how cool is that! could you believe i just ate a krispy creme donut the other day. a chocolate frosted one. yummy for sure! im putting a big pot of hot chocolate with marshmellows in it on the table. thanks for a yummy and fun breakfast.
...hugs from lenny

Angela Brown said...

Late comer with some some green tea and honey to share for "brunch" :-)

Got into the Can You Hook a Teen blogfest/contest and like you mentioned, been a week of encouragement. Elana Johnson, author of Possession, still has me gawking every time I think of the fact she queried and got rejected 188 times for that book. Plus been lots of talk about the e-revolution's impact on publishing.

Shannon said...

Very late, but there's always room for cantaloupe. :)

Interesting observation about the online vs. real life personality question. I actually struggled with this a lot this summer. I was too uptight in my blog and didn't let my real personality out. I tried too hard to be "professional." I finally let go of it and am much happier with my blogging life. Just wish I had more time to do it.

Have a good weekend!

JennaQuentin said...

This is a great idea! I'll be back.
Ok, at 9pm, this is a breakfast dinner? Or is it too late?
I'd bring some chaussons au pomme - French pastry slippers filled with applesauce. So delicious.

It's hard to realize that your real personality will be interesting more than any phony blog personality...but how to virtualize it? That's the art of blogging, I guess!

Anywho, going to go check out some other blogs...

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I'll have to come next week since I missed this morning!!

I chugged my coffee this morning and bolted to work, because I was supposed to have an early morning meeting with a parent. I arrived at school and found an email saying she was too busy to come.

Let me point out, I didn't request this meeting. She did. Now she wants to come on Monday.

I already lost one morning of blogging over my coffee to meet this lady. Shall we go for two?

Charlie N. Holmberg said...

Ah Dianne, I missed it too. Let's start a dinner Bloffee!

Anne said...

Looks like I missed all the fun this morning, but I had to go to work. I blogged about a cute little story about Ducks. Check it out, tell me what you think.
Have a great weekend!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

What a fabulous post! I <3 this--Katie, you rock! :) Too bad I missed it.
I hope you have a great weekend!


Elliot MacLeod-Michael said...

I thought Krispy Kreme donuts were literally the best thing life had to offer, that is until I tasted Mary Lee donuts when I moved to Louisiana. Now KK is #2, coming right before my loved ones and whatnot.

Judy Croome | @judy_croome said...

Yup, I've read the "blogging is dead" posts as well. I'm doing my best to keep its heart beating!

Re my on-line versus my real life personality. Hmmm. Perhaps I'm a little more cautious on-line (and a lot less gullible) but on Twitter I try to be as much "me" as possible (I talk just as much on twitter as I do in real life!!)

Judy, South Africa

Enid Wilson said...

I read about Lone Star State from Cold as Heaven blog. And I've milk and cookies for breakfast. Thanks for the coffee.

Every Savage Can Reproduce

Tony Van Helsing said...

I've brought some Taylors of Harrogate Jamaican Coffee and a carton of double cream to put in it. I haven't blogged for nearly two weeks now so can't comment on what the running topics are. My work tends to get in the way and I only blog on days off. said...

Ok...I sort of just noticed that you follow me... And actually comment!!!

OMG...tears flowing...over whelmed...can I hug you?

Blogging can't be dead... I am just getting started!!!

But maybe we could kill memes and Mr. & Mrs. Linky and photos of the million books every other blogger in the world gets?

And the word "squee"?

Or am I just a sad little envious blogger?

Breakfast? Cold!!!

Love this post...thank you for following me...squeeeeeeee!!!

DL Hammons said...

I always miss the fun parties!!! And there was food too! :(

Blogging IS NOT DEAD! 'Nuff said.

I got potty mouth on my blog this week. Still washing out the taste of soap from my mouth. :)

Ronald L. Smith said...

I'm bringing a bottle of Moet & Chandon.

(Hair of the dog, you know.)

1 Angry Man said...

very much enjoyed all these comments. My kind of site. I am new to this. Follow my "1 Angry Man" blog if you like british humour!


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