Friday, February 10, 2012


Watching BACK TO THE FUTURE II, I couldn’t help but laugh at how the scenarists pictured 2015 with flying cars and outrageous electronic clothing. 

But then again, they did get some things right.

Like the robotic waiters.

Video chatting.

3D movies and television.

For a full list, check out this post.

Me, I’m still waiting for an honest-to-goodness hover board.

What kind of inventions did you think would be available in 2015?  What technology makes you stop and wonder at just how far we've come (despite not having hover crafts) ?

For me, the new ipads and iphones, the internet and video games like xbox kinect without contollers really make me feel like I'm living in a pretty interesting era.  

Hope you all have a great weekend!



Laura Pauling said...

I'll take the hoverboard too. That looks cool! Even the Jestons got the video chatting thing too. Maybe they all knew something we didn't!

Miranda Hardy said...

You never know. The Hoover board could be right around the corner. Lol

Christine Danek said...

I just watched this movie too and thought of the same things. I think the hover board would be pretty cool. Who knows, it may be the next big toy this Christmas.

Talli Roland said...

I'd love to have a hover board! Or a jet pack.

Leigh Caron said...

Would love the hover board but wonder how that would work if we all had them. Would there be a hover board traffic jams? Would here be air traffic signs?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think you nailed it with the iPads. Think of the old Star Trek movies and shows with people holding small computer pads. Now we have them!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

That is funny. My current YA novel is actually set in 2015. I'll have to revisit the gadgets I've decided to use. Hmm...

Sarah Tokeley said...

I'll be happy with a robot chef :-)

Laura S. said...

That's pretty cool! I'm still waiting for Food Replicators so I don't have to cook ever again.

Have a great weekend, Katie!

Jay Noel said...

I posted about a real hoverboard a few months ago. Unfortunately, it's not ready for mass production.

But check out this AMAZING video on Corning's new wave of technology. Imagine carrying around a scroll made of flexible glass, and using that instead of laptop!!!

Check it:

Connie Keller said...

I want a jetpack for those quick trips to grocery store for a can of diced tomatoes, etc.,that I forgot to buy.

As for the hoverboard, it's very cool, but I'd probably fall off and break my neck.

Old Kitty said...

Teleportation ala Star Trek!!

Oh I can dream can't I?!?!


Take care

Hart Johnson said...

Isn't it funny watching or reading old sci fi to see what they get and what they didn't? Ender's Game is another one I've enjoyed looking at that way--some of the technology is right on (synced computers people can talk to each other on--notepads, if you will--and the virtual games) but the things missed really stick out--things that are behind what we already have 30 years later.

Kristin Rae said...

I've often thought about how many things that movie got right. Then you see them using a FAX machine. LOL. Guess they didn't see email coming.

Hover board!! WANT!

Matthew MacNish said...

My first PC was an 8086 that booted off a 5 inch floppy disc, so having a device with hundreds of times the computing power that fits in my pocket ... it's kind of mind blowing.

Meredith said...

A hoverboard would be so cool! But I'm pretty happy with all the crazy technology we have now. :) Happy weekend!

Tracy Jo said...

I think we will pay for everything with a thumb print. No more worrying about carrying a purse around. :-) Have a great weekend!

erica and christy said...

LOL! It is funny to think they got some things right. I love those movies. Technology changes so quickly. We need to be careful when writing futuristic books. Who knows what will be in just a few years. Christy PS I'd break my neck on a hoverboard for sure.

Heather Day Gilbert said...

Fahrenheit 451 was another of those books that was off-the-charts CRAZY good about predicting the future. I always thought we'd have flying cars by now--it's what I was promised in my youth! Ha. Seriously, hoverboards would be cool as long as the battery didn't run out mid-air.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I thought we'd have invented a time machine by now.

Or flying cars.

Nicole Zoltack said...

I can't wait for cars to fly!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

To my mind, it would have been a good idea to focus less on technology that entertains us and maybe make more ground in medical technology, medicine, non-polluting forms of energy and transportation ...

Unknown said...

This is probably going to sound silly, but I honestly thought that by now (or hopefully by 2015) there would be a battery that wouldn't have to at least occasionally drain all of the way before being recharged. My husband, in all of his technological glory, explained the reasoning to me once and has done his best to get me to quit charging my phone when it's only half-way down. But really, I just want some good batteries that will keep a full charge no matter how you charge it.

mshatch said...

ooh, after seeing that and reading Scott Westerfeld's UGLIES series I so want a hoverboard!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Oh man, I still love Back to the Future. Occasionally, we'll have a marathon and watch all of them back to back. It's pretty amusing to see how the creators envisioned our future, but pretty cool how on-target they were with some things. My current books is set fifty years in the future, and I have to tell you one of the hardest things to do is to try and predict what life will be like at that point. You have to work out economic and socio-political timelines, imagining all the possibilities, always keeping in mind the newest wave in technology and predictors of what those things will advance into. I suspect, though, that the Back to the Future creators used their imaginations to come up with a future that was more entertaining than realistic...

Writer Pat Newcombe said...

I read Stephen King's latest book 11.22.63 recently and that so reminded me how far we had really come over the last 50 - 60 years! For those who havent heard of it - it's a time slip novel, relating to the assassination of Kennedy. But the detail of how life really was at that time is fascinating. I cannot think how life will be in just a few years as things change at such a rapid pace and new technology simply gallops along ...

Tyrean Martinson said...

I want a hoverboard too - that would be way cool!

Marta Szemik said...

OMG! I used to dress like MJ Fox in gr, 7/8 in jeans, white shirt and suspenders. This post certainly brought back some memories:)

Annalisa Crawford said...

Oooh, I think I've just become your 1000th follower!

Brent Wescott said...

There's something on the Back to the Future DVDs special features about how there is a hoverboard out there, but it's not mass produced. But it might all have been a joke. I'll have to go back and watch it again.

Jessica Salyer said...

I just watch the Blade Runner the other night and it was set in 2019. It was funny to see what they thought it would be like. Flying cars, but the computer systems where not there at all. The world was dirty too.

Jessica Salyer said...

PS. I gave you an award over at my blog. :)

A Beer for the Shower said...

Speaking of future inaccuracy, there's an awfully tasteless Parkinson's joke here somewhere, just waiting to be made.

Jeremy Bates said...

i'd say cell phones... the touch screen ones at least... almost like the little communicators they had on star trek!


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