Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Outright rejections: 15
Requests for full: 5
Rejections of full:  4
Soul-crushing rejection of an exclusive revise & resubmit that blocked off querying for six months: 1
No reply: 24

CRITIQUING PROJECTS:  I’m currently in the middle of critiquing one MG story (although I’ve never written or critiqued anything MG before:) and I have one regency short story I’m looking forward to critiquing before I’ll be open to taking on new projects from my fellow bloggers.

WRITING: After KISSING FOR COFFEE’s overhaul, I’m leaving that manuscript alone for awhile.  I’m currently outlining a new YA Romantic Comedy that I hope to begin writing before this two week vacation is over.  I’m also hoping to revamp FOSSEGRIM and start on the sequel (of a trilogy) – all designated for ebook publication at some point in the whenever-I-get-to-it.

REAL LIFE: As I’ve mentioned, the kiddies and I are on ‘vacation’ for two weeks and the hubs has Wednesdays and Thursdays off.  Which pretty much means my two weeks of indentured servitude has begun.  It would seem my husband and children are incapable of happiness without my constant presence and input.  I should be grateful, I suppose. But instead of spending the day lounging around and drinking coffee while basking in writerly bliss- I’ve now got three kids and one husband to keep occupied less they drive me up a wall.  Which brings me to my next point:

BLOGGING:  I will be sticking to my regular Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule despite the time constraints of the next two weeks and hopefully be able to dedicate an afternoon or two to visiting and commenting all the blogs I miss so much.  But again, I’m feeling much the blogging bum under the bridge.

How are all of you doing?  What are your querying/writing/real life/ blogging stats?


April Plummer said...

As far as the kids and husband go, I so completely understand. That's why, when I take a day off at home, I want it by myself. If it's not, they keep me busy. But if we go somewhere on vacation together or plan a day out, we're good. Not so much if we're at home. :( Hang in there.

Leigh Caron said...

Ha! Wrestling time for yourself is always tough when you have kids and husband. I'm querying agents now and so my blogging is down to just easy posts...I MISS my real blogging, but if I'm ever going to find an agent...I have to give priority to submissions.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Sorry about the rejections but awesome that you got the requests for fulls. Sound like you have a plan.

Good luck getting anything done. But enjoy your family.

Unknown said...

You're a rockstar... really and truly. Sounds like you have great goals in place!!!

Have fun with the kiddos and the hubby! Enjoy yourself... don't work too hard ;)

Sarah said...

Haha--it sounds like you're very much needed and wanted :) I hope you get a bit of time to yourself. It's always fun to start on a new project, I think--so much possibility! It's going to be awhile before I get to do that again ... I have four projects in various stages of revision to deal with first.

Old Kitty said...

Awww lovely Katie!! I hope you have a great vacation with kiddies and hubby! But I also hope you find lots of me-time too!! I'm sorry about the rejections - but you had some full requests so that's great!! Keep going, Katie!! Take care

Laura S. said...

You're awesome, Katie, and will get through it all with fabulousness! Have fun with the kiddies and hubby. Maybe lock them away in a closet for an hour? They'll get over it, I'm sure. :) Haha, have fun and don't work too hard!!

Annalisa Crawford said...

It's hard work when you're used to having the space to yourself. My hubby gave up full time work last year to be a musician, so he's now hanging around during the day and out all night. I'm only just getting used to him being here! Two weeks will fly by.

Stina said...

Yay!!!! You haven't given up on Fossegrim. I loved that book (and have been dying for the sequel)!

I've got 5 K left of my first draft to write, then I'm going to tackle my R&R (after brainstorming with my CP next week). I've had enough rejections on requested material to know where the problem lies, and I'm taking a course right now that might just be the solution. At least it will keep me busy while I give my YA horror some distance.

Good luck with everything!!!

Tonja said...

I appreciate you for listing your stats so honestly. I think it's what we are all in for. I'm in the same boat with you on the family obligations. Today I get two hours to write - and that may be it for two weeks.

Talli Roland said...

Half-term here just ended and I can see the relief in parents' eyes! :)

Five requests for fulls is fantastic, I think. I'm working on a first draft right now and it's a bit of a slog.

Anonymous said...

it's hard work but at least you don't give up and that is the main thing, if at first you don't succeed try try again (as my mum has always said bless her).
Enjoy your family time and relax.x

Marta Szemik said...

March break is around the corner here, which means I wont get any writing done, and hubby has a week off before March break, which equals no work done either (Though I mentioned I may go to the library to write that week and he was fine. We'll see.)
The fact that you got 5 full requests means a Lot! Keep it up and don't worry about the rejections. It only takes 1 yes.

Tracy Jo said...

Hope you find a good balance of family and you time in the next couple weeks! I am just getting started so...writing, writing, writing. :-)

Connie Keller said...

Have a great time with your family.

I'm so glad to hear about your writing plans! Yay! Keep on writing.

Matthew MacNish said...

I took the day off yesterday to spend time with my kids. It simply had to be done.

Otherwise things are good, but I'm not getting much writing done.

DL Hammons said...

For some reason I had thought you had sent out more queries than that for KFC. Still good reason to feel optimistic about that!

Enjoy the day with the family! :)

Meredith said...

Good luck with the kids! Maybe you can brainstorm while you're an indentured servant. Also, I love the title Kissing for Coffee!

Patti said...

My kids are off this week, but I have to work three days. They're pretty good at keeping themselves busy, but it doesn't mean I don't feel guilty. Thanks for sharing your numbers.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I've been revising prior to going out on subs, so I've been a blogging bum, too. Don't worry, we're all staying put. :-)

Cynthia Lee said...

I found out I'm pregnant with my first baby a few months ago. I've kinda forgotten about querying and all its attendant madness since I discovered this pregnancy thing.

I'm planning on self-publishing, honestly, because querying is just too exhausting and I'm bored with all the waiting. I'm still keeping up with blogs, obviously, because they are interesting. Literary agents aren't so interesting to me anymore. :)

Cherie Reich said...

It's always good to keep up the stats, even if they don't always work in our favor.

Yay for your new YA Romantic Comedy!

I hope the two week 'vacation' will be good.

As for myself, I'm working on book two of my Gravity series. Then it's back to editing one of my novels.

Angela Brown said...

You are the highlight of the fun, so just keep smiling and enjoying the extra love :-)

I hope you have some more positive returns on your current query.

Good luck as you begin the new YA Romantic Comedy project.

And for myself, jsut beginning revisions for a WiP. just chugging along.

Jennifer Joyce said...

At least you know with 5 requests for full you're heading in the right direction. Must be devastating when nothing comes of it - not that I'd know. I haven't got that far yet.

Enjoy your family time but I hope you get a bit of time to yourself too.

Caryn Caldwell said...

Oh, no! I so feel for you on the exclusive revision leading to a rejection. That sounds awful! I hope that this book will lead to an offer, then a sale of not only the book, but the one (or several!) before it. You never know. Good luck!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Twenty-four no replies? How rude.
No real stats unless you want to know my level of insanity in preparing for next Tuesday.
And funny, my wife says I drive her crazy when I'm home during holidays...

Nicole Zoltack said...

5 fulls is awesome! It's just a matter of finding the right agent for you.

Right now, I'm in the process of incorporating feedback from beta readers and waiting to hear back from a few more.

Heather Day Gilbert said...

I agree--five requests for fulls means that you've done something right! Maybe if you set it aside and work on other stuff you can come back to it refreshed.

Hope you get SOME time to yourself!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

My stats:

1 WIP dropped like a hot potato because I received those editorial notes on CG. Hoping to get back to it in ... um, April.

1 future WIP partly outlined (me! outlining!) and I'm still kinda working on that because outlining is not as intense as writing and I can do it when I'm not ...

feverishly completing line edits and revisions for CG. Currently, I'm on page 132 of 258.

I thought your new romantic comedy idea sounded great. Good luck with your planning!

Jessica Salyer said...

Have a great "vacation" with your family. I wish you luck, who knows maybe one of those 24 will turn into something. :) I just have to finish my book.

K M Kelly said...

Actually those stats are really good - you should be very encouraged. 4 full requests and a rewrite request means that you are very, very close. It means that you are a good writer. It means you have what it takes. The next agent you send it to may be the one who falls in love with it. In the meantime put everything you've learned from this revision process into the next book. You are going to succeed!

Unknown said...

Me-time is so important, isn't it? It fills the creative well. I hope you have a wonderful time with the family. And I hope you find some time for yourself.

LTM said...

Whoot! Family time is so nice. That's really encouraging about your KFC stats! Five full requests is great, and that one exclusive revise probably made it stronger than ever!

Have a nice break! Good luck with the epubbing~

Maria Mainero said...

I love the optimism in your plans! Go for it!

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss katie! do you know how much time i think about you?? every time i eat a krispy kreme donut and that lots. :) i hope your dont get too wore out with everyone being at home all at the same time. wowee! you got a lot of requests for fulls. for sure youre a really good writer. i hope you have a real nice and fun weekend.
...hugs from lenny

Helena said...

Rejections are so painful! And I should know. But have a wonderful vacation anyway and keep writing away because you really do sound like you have what it takes.

Tamara Narayan said...

I'm feeling your pain. I just got through a week (from hell) with my little ones home from school on winter break (stupidest thing in the world) and a sick husband. The only upside is the blog I have planned for venting.

I am so sorry to hear about that rejection on Kissing for Coffee. I've been there too. I only upside is that I'll chalk it up to one more thing that added steel to my rejection spine and a personal vow to strengthen my writing.


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