Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I’m Baaaack! And GUTGAA Meet n’ Greet

Well, my hiatus is officially over! And what a hiatus it has been. In the last two weeks I:

Got the kids ready to go back to school (and all that that entails).

Deep-cleaned the monstrosity that was my house.

Started a new wip and wrote nearly 8k in a seven-day span.

Critiqued 3/4th  of a fellow author’s project.

Was invited to do a revise & resubmit with ‘the agent’ for a different manuscript I’d submitted a few months ago.

And continued to grow another human being. 

Oh. Yes, I imagine that last one has sunk in right about now. 

Creepy is again expecting a baby-child – One who will hopefully be making their fully-grown and healthy appearance in March 2013:)

I’ve missed you guys so much but, secretly, I’ve been keeping up with a lot of your news and posts through facebook. For those of you who aren’t on my friends list yet, there’s a link on my side bar. 

Now on to this week’s GUTGAA Meet n’Greet:

-Where do you write? Anywhere I can sit comfortably with my laptop; the bed, the couch, the kitchen table, the jon…

-Quick. Go to your writing space, sit down and look to your left. What is the first thing you see?  Toilet paper holder?… Ew. Just kidding. Kind of…Anyway- Usually when I sit down to write and look to my left, there’s one of my kid’s faces waiting right there, impatient for me to answer something for them.

-Favorite time to write? The morning/mid afternoon.

-Drink of choice while writing? Coffee coffee coffee coffee

-When writing , do you listen to music or do you need complete silence? Complete silence. But sometimes I don’t mind having the television on low.

-What was your inspiration for your latest manuscript and where did you find it? After writing my last couple novels based on ‘premise’, I got fed up while in the midst of a current wip- always trying to force a plot to meet that premise the best way I know how.  With the project I’m working on now, I decided to take a different route. I’m writing what I feel like reading. I’m writing because I want to get to know these characters and this setting and really just kind of wade in it. And I’m enjoying every minute. 

-What's your most valuable writing tip? Do what you have to do to keep the romance alive. If you’re serious about writing, someday it could become a job. And when it does, you’re going to have to force yourself to keep at it, even when the love is gone. Finding ways to keep the love for writing alive (like keeping a project on the side, blogging or journaling) is key, I think.

It’s great to be back! Can’t wait to catch up with old friends and meet n’greet the new! So, what does your month of September look like? Anything you’re looking forward to (book releases? bloghops? conventions?  Time for wip?) ??


Kissed by Ink said...

Great meeting you! Good luck during GUTAA!

Jessica Bell said...

Congrats on BOTH your new babies and welcome back! :)

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Ha! I knew it!!
I saw a picture of you on FB and I just thought ... I think she's ...

Of course, you never can tell with FB. It might have been an old picture just recently tagged. I'm counting on my fingers now, and I'm not sure if you'd be showing yet. (Eeek, if Katie's not showing, I've just put my foot in my mouth suggesting she *looked* pregnant.Maybe I'm just psychic. Yeah, that's it.)

Congratulations! That is wonderful news!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats Katie on the baby. And getting a revise request on your manuscript. So excited for you!

I'm revising my manuscript and hoping to query next year. Lots of good things are going on at my blog too. And I'm staring the 4 days a week getting my daughter to 6:00 am swim practice. It's a bust time, isn't it?

Leigh Caron said...

You're a busy lady. Congrats on both. Often, I see writers who announce their pregnancy mention it as nonchalantly as cleaning a closet. Do guys have ANY clue what writing while bloated feels like? Or any of the myriad of other bodily changes a pregnant woman goes through? Any woman who can write while pregnant deserves a medal...or better yet...a maid.

Gina Ciocca said...

Aw, congrats Katie! Sounds like things are falling into place :) So happy for you!

Unknown said...

Greeting from GUTGAA--I've enjoyed reading your answers to the get to know me questions.

Have a great day.

Best wishes, Wayne

Unknown said...

Wow! You're quite the busy lady! Congratulations on all your big news, but a MASSIVE congrats on the wee one!!

Laura Pauling said...

Congratulations! That's awesome! March will come fast. Glad you had a productive hiatus!

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful Katie!!! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! Awwwwwwwwwwwww!! Yay! take care

Stina said...

Congrats on all your big news, Katie! :D

Miranda Hardy said...

Wow, Katie! Congrats! You hit us with big news on your return. Glad to have you back.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Welcome back!
Toilet paper holder - funny.

mshatch said...

I cannot even imagine doing all you do and am thankful my son is all grown up. Congrats on the baby coming :)

Jennifer said...

Welcome back and Congratulations!

Meredith said...

Yay for a new baby! And yay for writing what you feel like reading--that's such a fabulous way to work. Good luck with your WiP!

Patti said...

Congratulations on the impending new addition.

Ruth Schiffmann said...

Congratulations on the baby, the amazing WIP progress, and the revise and resubmit invite. Yay!!

Carrie-Anne said...

Good to see you on board for GUTGAA! I hope you have a normal, healthy, normal, physiological, evidence-based childbirth in March.

I'm back to the contemporary historical I'd put on hiatus for other projects. Hopefully, it'll be done later this fall and I can get to work on my third Russian novel, which I predict will be the longest one yet, at about 450,000 words.

Linda Kage said...

Ooh!!! Congrats on baby creepy!! And welcome back to blog-world. I love reading your posts and have actually missed them!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Creepy. I'm here from GUTGAA. Congrats on the agent feedback.

Love your writing advice. It's sometimes hard for me to love what I'm doing, and writing a blog post or journal entry on the side is refreshing.

I haven't been able to keep a full blown other project going on the side though. Makes me feel like I'm cheating on the project I SHOULD be working on.

My September is looking like I missed my last self imposed deadline, so I'm going to be hustling as usual to finish my latest revision. Best of luck with GUTGAA and growing your baby :P

LTM said...

oh, welcome back! And what's this? 'the agent'?? (squee!)

I hope you're doing very well growing the new little baby, and your advice about keeping the romance alive is priceless. A must!

Good luck w/GUTGAA!!! <3

D.G. Hudson said...

Congrats on the new 'development' and on getting the existing brood ready for school. School beginnings are a big job. Especially girls, I know.

Two blogfests I know of and am participating in: M.Pax - What's Your Chocolate-Sept.10; AND
Alex's (the Ninja Capt'n) Genre Favorites-Sept 17.

Good luck with your writing. I'm starting a new novel and subbing one right now.

RW said...

Had to visit your blog because I can totally relate. Can't imagine how you find time to be creepy with all those kiddos! Congrats on the one awaiting his debut and on your revise/resubmit (I'm torturing myself and various beta readers/CPs with one of those myself). If you have the time hop on over...

Liana Brooks said...

Congrats on the Creepy 2013 edition! Babies are such entertaining writing partners.

- liana

Sarah said...

Great advice! Something I definitely need to apply.

I completely relate to the kids waiting on the left (mine are less waiting and more demanding).

VikLit said...

Congrats on the new baby bump ! and good luck with your revise...!

Patsy said...

Congrats on the new baby creepy. I've just released a novel which is the closest I'm ever going to come to childbirth!

Martina Boone said...

I love the reminder to find a way to keep the romance of writing (or with writing) alive. That's such a great way to put it!

Congrats on the baby and welcome back from hiatus.



Sarah said...

This post is cracking me up.
First, congrats on the new kid you're growing! That's the greatest creative endeavor of all.
September is my favorite month. It's the 9th month (9 is my fave #) It's the month I got married (Sept. maximize those 9s) and it's the month my oldest child was born. And this particular Sept. my second picture book will be released from So this is an extra fun Sept!
Nice to meet you, Creepy Query Girl. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you! I'm doing GUTGAA, too. :D

Anonymous said...

I love your writing tip. The romance does rise and fall.
Nice to meet you!

Jessica L. Celaya said...

Congrats on the new baby. Your blog title is awesome too by the way. Nice to meet you.

Rula Sinara said...

Wow! You have tons going on. Congrats on expecting and on the revise resub! Oh, and for having the kids in school so you can have quiet writing time :)

Botanist said...

Welcome back! And congratulations on the new "bump".

I love the approach you're taking to your current WIP - write want you feel like reading. Love it!

Kathleea said...

I am a creepy query girl, too. I follow every agent I can find on Twitter. Maybe one of them will recognize my brilliant writing and ask me to submit something based on my Tweet! Yeah. Not.
Check out my blog/website here:
Writing Down the Sky

Eliza Tilton said...

grats on the baby! I'm 35 weeks. Nothing like being pregnant and querying to make you crazy : )

Anonymous said...

Great to meet you. I love your blog. I consider myself a like-minded stalker :)

Trisha said...

Great writing tip! And I totally support the "write what you want to read" thing. That's what I do. :)

Donald Capone said...

Hi Katie. I like your writing tip, but I also love the way you are approaching your WIP. Congrats on the baby!

Tamara Narayan said...

Hey there! I'm back from my blog hiatus as well. Put the kiddies on the bus this morning and am blundering around the blogosphere, trying to remember how all this works. Maybe I'll even write something today or at least clean up some pages for my local writing critique club that meets tonight.

Laura Hughes, MittensMorgul said...

Congrats on the baby news! As for the smallest office (aka the bathroom), I save that seat for tweeting.

I love your writing advice. You have to love it to keep writing.

September is looking good for me. My 15th anniversary is the 19th (and yes, I got married on Talk Like A Pirate Day. Aar.)

Tasha Seegmiller said...

I hope with all my hoping that your baby makes it safe and sound here in March.


Mia Celeste said...

I love your moniker! May your next manuscript and baby arrive well and at the right time. :)

Heather M Bryant said...

That really is awesome writing advice! I think most people experience 'writers block' when they're not excited to get back into their character's world. I know it's happened to me before.

Congrats on the little one, all the stuff you managed to accomplish in your 'real life'.

Diana Gallagher said...

Congrats on the impending baby-child! Your URL and "About Me" made me chuckle. Best of luck! :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with GUTGAA!

I really appreciate your tip. It seems my writing and I have been having tiffs lately. Time to kiss and make up!

Angie Sandro said...

I think this is the first time I heard that advice. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Nice to meet you... that's a pretty good tip you've got there. As far as September goes... I'm looking forward to the release of The Hallowed Ones by Laura Bickle (Lauren DeStefano suggests it)... and I am excited for Scarefest (yearly Horror/Paranormal Convention) at the end of the month in Lexington, KY! Anyone in the area who is into that kind of thing should check it out... lots of great guests this year!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back and CONGRATS on the baby news! How exciting! : )

Michael Sirois said...

Hi. Katie--

I've worked at some jobs I hate and some I love, and you're absolutely right. If it isn't something you're excited about doing, what's the point?

Nice "meeting" you. Have a great rest of GUTGAA.


Ink in the Book said...

Stopping by through GUTGAA.
Congratulations on the new baby coming in March. My baby born in March will be 20 on his next birthday. Wow. Can't believe that!

See you soon:)
Talynn #28

Catch My Words said...

Good to meet you and all my best for a happy, healthy baby. Thanks for stopping by.

Unknown said...

Hi, and thanks for your blog comments. Funny how we were both on a bloggy break. CONGRATS on the new baby coming! How exciting. :P Oh, and I wish you luck on the ms you have with an agent currently.

Unknown said...

Nice to meet you. I came via GUTGAA and also by way of another blog (Confessions of a Watery Tart), where I noticed your blog's name. It's very funny, btw. I'm a CQG too, plus since my YA book's title has the word Creepy in it, the query is saved in my computer under CreepyQuery.So your blog popped right out at me!


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