Monday, July 25, 2011

On Blogcation

I won't be around the blogosphere this week since I'm in Brittany with the fam.  So, I thought I'd point you all towards some popular Creepy Query Girl reruns till I get back!  Enjoy and I'll 'see' you soon

The Truth Behind Your Profile Pic : I know most of you through the smiling faces of your profile pictures.  Some of them look professionally done.  Others look they were taken in a natural setting when you just happened to be smiling...

 OMG!  You Can Totally See Her Double Spaces!! :  Up until recently, I had no idea that double spaces after a period were so offensive to many industry professionals...

Under The Knife :  I’ve got some good news and some bad news.  (Don’t you just love it when people start a conversation this way?)

My Name is Katie And I Suck At First Person POV :  As many of you know, I started my current wip last week and so far the writing is going…okay.   

I Feel Like A Sperm :  In competition with the millions of other sperm struggling to get to that big fat publishing egg at the center of it all.  

The Waiting Game : I am the first to admit that I have the patience of a shitzu with bladder control issues. It’s my ‘tragic flaw’.

'Snuck' Doesn't Suck!!! :  (yes, today’s title is pure poetry isn’t it?) I’m not an unreasonable person.  I’ve never chained myself to a tree or picketed working conditions. 


Jennifer said...

Enjoy your time with your family. See you when you get back!

Shelly said...

Have fun. Smiles and hugs to you!

Old Kitty said...

HAVE A LOVELY TIME!!! Enjoy your break and yay for such fab posts to read while you are away!! Thank you!!!! Take care

Talli Roland said...

Have a fab vacation! xx

April Plummer said...

Enjoy your vaca!!! We'll miss ya!

Gwen Gardner said...

Oooh, Brittany! Have fun - tried to read your Double Spaces post but couldn't get through - I'll try again.

LTM said...

that sperm one really was a classic. Have fun in Brittany w/the fam. It sounds very exotic and cool~ :D <3

Aubrie said...

Brittany? Where is that? I've never heard of it!

Slamdunk said...

Enjoy your time away.

Reruns are the greatest for bloggers eh?

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your week with the family!

Unknown said...

It's like those old-clip-episodes that the shows form the Eighties used to do.
OK, I'll wander down Memory Lane because YOU refuse to prioritize your blog above your family.
The nerve...

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Have a great holiday with your family...we'll all be here when you get back. :)

Unknown said...

Hope you're enjoying your time with your family!


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