The Truth Behind Your Profile Pic : I know most of you through the smiling faces of your profile pictures. Some of them look professionally done. Others look they were taken in a natural setting when you just happened to be smiling...

OMG! You Can Totally See Her Double Spaces!! : Up until recently, I had no idea that double spaces after a period were so offensive to many industry professionals...
Under The Knife : I’ve got some good news and some bad news. (Don’t you just love it when people start a conversation this way?)
My Name is Katie And I Suck At First Person POV : As many of you know, I started my current wip last week and so far the writing is going…okay.

I Feel Like A Sperm : In competition with the millions of other sperm struggling to get to that big fat publishing egg at the center of it all.
The Waiting Game : I am the first to admit that I have the patience of a shitzu with bladder control issues. It’s my ‘tragic flaw’.

'Snuck' Doesn't Suck!!! : (yes, today’s title is pure poetry isn’t it?) I’m not an unreasonable person. I’ve never chained myself to a tree or picketed working conditions.

Enjoy your time with your family. See you when you get back!
Have fun. Smiles and hugs to you!
HAVE A LOVELY TIME!!! Enjoy your break and yay for such fab posts to read while you are away!! Thank you!!!! Take care
Have a fab vacation! xx
Enjoy your vaca!!! We'll miss ya!
Oooh, Brittany! Have fun - tried to read your Double Spaces post but couldn't get through - I'll try again.
that sperm one really was a classic. Have fun in Brittany w/the fam. It sounds very exotic and cool~ :D <3
Brittany? Where is that? I've never heard of it!
Enjoy your time away.
Reruns are the greatest for bloggers eh?
Enjoy your week with the family!
It's like those old-clip-episodes that the shows form the Eighties used to do.
OK, I'll wander down Memory Lane because YOU refuse to prioritize your blog above your family.
The nerve...
Have a great holiday with your family...we'll all be here when you get back. :)
Hope you're enjoying your time with your family!
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