Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Common Writing Syndrome

Right now my house is suffering from a case of revision-provoked dirtyhousewrititis. So, today I will be folding, washing, and dusting my poor dwelling back to its pre-project state.

What's the worst thing you ever let slide when you were in the throws of a writing project?


Dianne K. Salerni said...

That was hysterical!

My house never gets to that state. You know why?

TEENAGE WORK SLAVES (er, I mean children)

Yes, I get totally obsessed with my writing and don't cook or clean. But I can order my daughters to do it and call it "helping out around the house."

Okay, dinners tend to be Campbell's soup and salad. The dishes are put away with greasy smears on them, and the laundry smells a little funny. But somebody else is doing it, so I don't complain.

Christine Danek said...

I love this. Oh I guess I will admit it--there was one time when the bathrooms were not clean for like a month or so. Fuzzy memory on that one.

Leigh Caron said...

Eating. I'm too lazy to cook while I'm editing, so I eat from jars or boxes.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Love this. I can so relate. When I really get into writing, I have to put the timer on if I have something on the stove or I'm going to burn the house down.

Hope the agent likes your revisions. Fingers crossed for you.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Great meme

I'll find my legs are numb, I haven't moved in so long.

Tonja said...

Cereal for dinner out of disposable plastic cups. :)

Jessica Bell said...

I hate to say it, but a build up of dog shit on my balcony. LOL. Happy to say it has never happened again since. :-/

Stina said...

The bathrooms. Which reminds me . . . .

Oh, I need to try Natalie's trick. Though I'm usually bad for remembering to make dinner at all. If we're lucky, my husband comes home early from work and he makes it. :D

Stina said...

I need Dianne's kids. Wonder if she'll do a switch. :D

shelly said...

I have let all slide down hill when it comes to major writing and editing. Even eating and workouts.

Hugs and chocolate,

jaybird said...

Oh my gosh Katie, I can relate to this post. How bad is this- I still need to put away my good dishes we used on Thanksgiving. They are just sitting on my counter, waiting to be wrapped up and put away(cue Spongebob French narrator voice here)....six days later!

Matthew MacNish said...

Hah! The thing that always gets to me is the cat litter. How such such tiny creatures make so much piss?

Megan Hand said...

This is HILARIOUS! I love it! Um... I'd say the worst was what you have listed here: house things, dirty dishes, laundry, etc... Maybe ignored the people in my life a tad... Maybe more than a tad:) No one said writing wasn't an addiction!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

LOVE IT!! I feel better that it's not just me. Thank you wise lady, thank you!

Laura Hughes, MittensMorgul said...

I'm usually hovering around the "frozen pizza for dinner, and possibly breakfast" level. I neglect housework until armies of dust bunnies rise from beneath the furniture to attack. Worst thing I ever neglected: Paying the phone bill. Totally forgot about it, until the day after it was due. THEY COULD HAVE CUT OFF MY INTERNETS!!!

D.G. Hudson said...

Cleaning. 'A clean house shows a life misspent.' That's the quote I use when it happens - writing takes precedence.

The quote continues with, 'the children will grow up and move away, but the dust will always be there'. This can be applied when needed to writing.

Of course, when you finish, the dirty detritus has to be taken care of. Good luck with the cleanup and the revisions you've just finished.

Miranda Hardy said...

My house is always in that state. Lol

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Isn't that what you have kids for though?

Bethany Elizabeth said...

That is an excellent graphic!! Worst thing I let slide? My grades. *sigh* I just have to remember that I'll always be able to write, but I won't get another chance to pass chemistry.

T.J. said...

LOL!! Love it. Let's see. When engrossed Filly and Hubby go hungry, the dogs beg to be fed, the bathroom talks after a few weeks, and food in the fridge must be sent to a bio-containment lab for national safety reasons.

You'd think they'd learn. Because when I pull myself back to reality we do a major clean up of epic proportions over a full Saturday. With me glaring at them for their "I didn't see it!" comments when I point out the obvious LOL

Neurotic Workaholic said...

Hmm, I ate frozen pizza today too, except that was mainly because I can't cook without burning everything. I'd say the thing I often let slide is cleaning my apartment. I always feel relieved and satisfied once I finish cleaning, but somehow it's always really difficult to motivate myself to get started. I'd rather write than clean. I'd rather write than do most things.

Anne Gallagher said...

I'm with Miranda. My house is always in this state. When I find I'm down to my last pair of clean underwear is when I do a BIG clean. Which thankfully, I have a lot of underwear. (From days spent at the laundrimat before washer and dryer.) I think I can go three weeks without cleaning.


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