Yesterday my ms got turned down for a second date. Poor thing. She was crying cybersnot out through the speakers.
I tried to tell her it wasn’t her fault. After all, the agent said she just didn’t fall as in love with the story as she’d hoped. My ms turned to me then, her glossy screen eyes gone wide. “It IS me, then!” and started hacking up adverbs onto the table. What’s a writer to do?
Finally she insisted I pop in a Coldplay cd and feed her Ben&Jerry’s through the power supply and all was well. I’ll probably take her out for a makeover this summer.
Enough about my ms’s love life. My post today is about my OWN love life. What do you do when writing starts taking precedence over spending time with your significant other??
Poor hubby has been a good sport. He’s got his playstation. His guitar. And his iphone to keep him company most of the time. But I have sensed the occasional ‘eyeroll’ when I say “I just need to finish up this chapter”.
And I noticed his jaw clench just a little while I was telling my mother how my perfect evening in would be ‘just me, my laptop, and some take out sushi.’
It’s hard to give up time spent with my wip’s because it feels like I never get enough of it. BUT truth is I wouldn’t trade my husband for the worlds next best seller.
So what do you do with your significant other to convince them they aren’t coming in second to your wip….(besides the obvious, ofcourse:) ?
Today's question for God or Google: when did the word 'Epic' become a popular stand in for 'awesome' 'rad' or 'the best'?? I first noticed it while watching 'The Vampire Diaries'. They said 'it was epic' and my first thoughts were 'you mean, like the odysee?'
Today's question for God or Google: when did the word 'Epic' become a popular stand in for 'awesome' 'rad' or 'the best'?? I first noticed it while watching 'The Vampire Diaries'. They said 'it was epic' and my first thoughts were 'you mean, like the odysee?'