I’ve been on a spiritual journey these last few weeks.
I think, at some point, many of us experience a period where we start to
question our beliefs, who we are, and why we’re here. And lately that just happens
to be where I’m at.
It started with yoga. I know I joke about a broadening
of perspective that many people claim when they begin practicing, but in my
case it’s true. I started to feel different.
And I began to desire a closer relationship with something. Something big and important and imperative to human life
and happiness. (I am Catholic and I’ve
always believed in God, but I wanted something beyond religion)
I began by reading The Secret. I’ve read it before,
and while I believe in the Law of Attraction and thoughts creating our world, I
still felt there was more to it than that. Something deeper.
Then came Positive Magic by Marion Weinstein, which has
been on my kindle for a long time and I’ve read before, but never really ‘got’
it. Now, however, the messages were breaking through and this has become pretty
much my go-to manual. Everything she has to say rings true for me,-- but while
I felt and agreed with all of this on an intellectual level, the desire to feel it on a skin deep level remained.
Then our yoga book club started reading The Four
Agreements. Even though this book didn’t have the same effect on me as Positive
Magic, there was one thought, one idea that stuck with me and for which I’m so
grateful. And it happened. I finally began to ‘feel’ what I’d been looking for.
This is going to sound trippy. Don’t be frightened. I’m
still wearing shoes and haven’t purchased any white robes yet. No plane tickets for any deserts.
But the basic idea is--there is something inside me. A
force, an energy. The universe is made up of it- like one, huge, perfect
diamond. And each of us are shards of this diamond, smaller but equally perfect
and equally priceless. And this piece of me, at my core- it is also in each of
you. We are made of the same thing. When you can look at others and see that
part of yourself staring and reflecting back, recognize the sameness in every
living thing, and acknowledge it, well, you can’t help but love it as you love yourself. Because that is the force, the energy, or at least what we call it down here. It’s
Many people have said it in different words and
different ways but only now have I really ‘felt’ it.
I think this force is positive and that is why we are
constantly striving to be happy and joyful and grateful and see this life as a
pursuit of happiness--, because those emotions are more closely aligned with
where we came from.
But between positive and negative polarities, everything
hangs in the balance. All life.
Without one or the other, there would be nothing.
Therefore, we need the negative. The
key is learning to appreciate it and be thankful it is there, helping hold
everything in place, without letting it take hold of us, our thoughts or our
lives. It is possible.
Whew! *sigh*
I think it’s time for some coffee.
of you ever had a spiritual awakening that threw you on your ass?