Wednesday, May 19, 2010

**Newsflash**- Upcoming Interview!

This coming Friday, May 21st- (Yes, that's TOMORROW!)  I'll be posting an interview with the accomplished author and editorial director at The Writer’s Workshop-  Harry Bingham

‘Harry is the author of five novels, all from HarperCollins. The first, The Money Makers, shot straight onto the Sunday Times bestseller list.
The second, Sweet Talking Money, was shortlisted for the WHS Thumping Good Read Award 2002.
The Sons of Adam came out in 2004, and was picked by the Bookseller as one of the most exciting books of the year.
Glory Boys came out in 2005, with the Bookseller commenting, ‘If you haven’t yet discovered the sales potential or sheer story-telling power of this author then you are missing out. He is the next [Jeffrey] Archer or [Sidney] Sheldon.’
The Lieutenant's Lover is out in paperback, Oct 2006.
This Little Britain, published by 4th Estate in 2007, is his first non-fiction publication. It's an entertaining, argumentative romp through British history, full of surprising facts. It's available from all good bookshops. Harry lives in Oxfordshire with his wife and dogs.’-WW
His upcoming novel - ‘Getting Published’ will be available this September.
Harry Bingham will be answering questions about his books, the WW, and the world of publishing in the upcoming interview this Friday!! Woohoo! Be there or be square!
P.S.- I will be eternally grateful to anyone willing to help spread the word!


Lydia Kang said...

Excellent! Love interviews!

Jessica Bell said...

Wow! How in the world did you score that! Awesome!

Slamdunk said...

Nice work with the scoop--I'll be able to claim that I frequent a real journalist's blog now.

Unknown said...

Wow how epic!!!!! Bring on the awesomeness, I'll be ready!

Unknown said...

That is awesome! I'll be there.

JE said...

Sweeet! How did you manage that?


Susan Fields said...

Very cool - looking forward to it!

MBW aka Olleymae said...

Congrats!! I will definitely check out the interview.


Theresa Milstein said...

How exciting! I'll DEFINITELY check it out.

Jaydee Morgan said...

Cool - can't wait!!

Aubrie said...

Wow, what a great person to interview! Can't wait :)

Angie Paxton said...

Wow! That's great you were able to interview him. Looking forward to it.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I look forward to reading the interview!

Clara said...

Thats so great! Well, I aint getting squared so, Ill be there! =)

India Drummond said...

Sounds great! I'll definitely be coming by to check it out!

Stina said...

He doesn't write my genre (unless there's a YA romance I didn't know about), but I love reading interviews. I'll be here. :D

Write Chick said...

Cool. I will probably be working when the interview goes down, but will definitely check back and see what he says. Impressive that you could get someone so substantial. Kudos!

Write Chick said...

Oh, I'll put a link on my site for you also. :-)

Carolyn V. said...

SWEET! I can't wait. =)

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Sweet. you should have a "tweet this" button somewhere! (= Will spread the news!

Shannon said...

Awesome. Looking forward to reading this tomorrow.

Dawn Ius said...

Sorry for not seeing this sooner. I'll plug it on my twitter, FB and blog tomorrow :-)


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