Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Another Agent

A friend of mine posted a question on one of our writing group forums awhile back and with all the readers and resources that are out there, I thought maybe someone might know some information that could help her out.

Question posted by SecretSpi:

‘OK, I've had a few rejections but I'm not too disheartened because it seems that quite a few of the agencies who have rejected my submission are pointing me in one particular direction.

Some of them are quite subtle, hinting that another agent
might feel differently, but one was really to the point, saying she's sure that another agent will respond with real enthusiasm. I'm rather hoping she knows the agent in question personally.

Now, I know I'm meant to be a spy and should be good at this sort of thing but so far I've failed miserably. Has anyone out there got, by any chance, the contact details (email preferred but postal will do) and submissions procedure for Another Agent?

Thanks ever so.

I, too, would be interested in having those coordinates.  If you have any information, please let me know;)

Also, I came across the most TOUCHING, hilarious review of my blog on A Taste of Garlic today.  I can't tell you how honored I am that someone would take the time to go through so many of my old posts so if you've got the time please check it out!

Today's question for God or Google:  Why does the deoterant always crumble into chunks when you get to the end?  Such a waste of a good centimeter and a half of product...

Have a great day!


S.A. Larsenッ said...

Ditto to Spy. Yeah, wouldn't it be nice.

So true about deodorant. It's a scam, I tell you. lol

Clara said...

Ha, got three of those so far (not to mention the delights of being faced with silence from the other side).
And totally true about deodorant, damn!

randine said...

Thanks, that made me laugh this morning. I, too, need the email info for another agent.

And as for the deoderant- I use the gel. It doesn't crumble but it is kind of a rip off because by the time you dial the gel to the top, it's like three quarters gone.
But it smells like cherries, so it's worth it.

Joanna St. James said...

ha ha I hope God answers em. lemme know where you find that amazing agent who is willing to take us all on.

Matthew MacNish said...

I thought you were serious for a minute there. LOL.

Off to check out garlic ...

Stina said...

Yeah, that deodorant thing is definitely annoying. Someone must have spent hours coming up with that "flaw"!

LOL at the first part of the post. Now wouldn't that be nice. It does happen sometimes, though.

Summer Frey said...

Hmmm, I've never had that deodorant problem! Maybe it's the brand. (I use Dove.)

Laura Maylene said...

That blog review was great! I love how she kept stressing how mad you look, ha. Anyway, as a somewhat new follower of your blog, this was a nice tour through Creepy Query Girl.

Congrats! I never would have thought before now that someone insisting you look insane could be such a compliment.

Angela Ackerman said...

Oh man, the elusive 'another agent.' I think there are a bazillion writers out there who would love to know the answer to that question.

And lets face it--we all get a bit twitchy about the waste built into the deoderant stick too.


Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

LTM said...

omg--*snort*--LOL! sheer awesomeness.

Yes, who IS this other agent? Is s/he on QT??? :D

Nicole L Rivera said...

I have one of those deodorants that pushes up through plastic slits. You can see the last few centimeters of deodorant, but can you use them? N.O. Such a waste of money. *Shake head*

Nicole Zoltack said...

Another agent will love my work. So many other agents have said so.

And I'm sure the deodorant companies are scared now that we're onto their scam.

Old Kitty said...

Awww what a fun review from a Taste of Garlic!! Yay!! Good for you!!!!

I use spray on deodorants. Ahem.

Take care

Valerie Geary said...

hehehe... Another Agent, paging Another Agent.

Nicole said...

ahhh yes.. I recall that line :)

BirthRight The Arrival, on Amazon 1.1.11

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

If you find the answer to the deodorant question, let us know!

Raquel Byrnes said...

So true and so annoying! Never had the agent thing happen...form letters seemed the order of the day.
Edge of Your Seat Romance

Candyland said...

HAAA!!! I would also like that email address!

Shannon Messenger said...

LOL. Yeah, that would be nice, wouldn't it!

Also--Hi! Sorry I haven't been by in a while. Hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

I think Another Agent needs to be a blog where thise mystery person answers us ALL! Also, my deodorant doesn't crumble

Carolyn Abiad said...

Yay for Garlic! Awesome review :)

Laura Pauling said...

Great review! And I think that must be some sort of form letter. Writers get that a lot! :)

K M Kelly said...

LOL, I used to get those too - never worked out who AA was though.

Anne R. Allen said...

What a fun, positive review! I didnt' even know there were blog reviewers. Maybe that's a French thing?

My deodorant did that just yesterday! I was sure it had a good week left in it, but NO. Had to run out and buy a new one.

I've been looking for that famous Ann Other Agent, too. Can't find the address anywhere. Of course, maybe she charges a reading fee...

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Oh well done! I have also been referred to Another Agent. She must have wide (and excellent) taste!

Sherrie Petersen said...

A friend of mine actually got a similar rejection, only the agent told her who to send it to because it might be more to their taste. It ended with another rejection, but it was kind of cool (and reaffirming!) to have that agent give a referral.

Melissa said...

Nice question for god or google. I would really like to know the answer myself.

When you find Another AGent, let me know okay?

Janet Johnson said...

Yeah, please forward that info when you get it. :)

Can't wait to read your glowing review. (And I'm sure you deserve it!)

Kelly Breakey said...

I'm going...I'm going...

Unknown said...

I figure it's like playing Mario. "Thank you Mario but the princess is in another castle!" :D

Tom M Franklin said...


not even The Google knows what this is.

-- Tom

Slamdunk said...

Congrats on the great review CQG. She really did a nice job with it. I am not sure how I missed your Ten Sucky Things post that she describes--I now will go forward trying not to think of diarea farts...


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