Tuesday, November 29, 2011

You Can't Find Me...I'm Untraceable:)

Sixteen year old Grace is the daughter of a local wild life officer, who taught her all the survival skills she would ever need, despite her tendency to trip over branches. What her father hadn't bargained for was how badly she would need those skills once he went missing. 

Grace isn't the kind of girl to give up easily. Even when he is officially presumed dead, and everyone including the local sheriff, her mother and the town shrink, are telling her to move on with her life, something tells Grace that they're wrong. 

The only person who will help her is Wyn, her childhood friend and recent ex-boyfriend. He's not exactly at home in the woods and so his support is of the moral kind. 

Then there's Mo, the mysterious boy who rescues Grace from a dangerous encounter in the woods. He likes her and willingly helps her look for her father and track down bear poachers. But who is he, really? Can he be trusted? 

Untraceable starts off with a comfortable pace, drawing us into the life of the town and the characters within, building tension with every chapter. And don't think you will be able to stop reading at the end of one. SR is the queen of chapter cliff hangers! 

And oh, the ending! You'll have to read it to decide what you think. 

I highly recommend Untraceable giving it a strong 4.5 stars out of 5. This is a book that has stayed with me long after I finished reading it, and I'm definitely looking forward to the next book.

This sounds fantastic!  Congrats to S.R. Johannes and I hope you have a fantastic launch day!


Natalie Aguirre said...

I really enjoyed Untraceable too. Shelli really nailed the setting and there were a lot of twists I didn't see coming. So excited for her.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

It does sound fantastic! I'm so happy for Shelli. She's worked so hard and has been a wonderful example to us all. Kudos to her and you for promoting her!!

shelly said...

Very nice book review!

Unknown said...

First off, the cover grabbed me! Then you choose to share the blurb and I'm lost in the woods waiting to see how she'll find her father! Wow! Happy Launch Day to Untraceable! How exciting! Thank you for sharing!

Old Kitty said...

Oooh sounds like a thrilling mystery read! thanks for the review and the intro to this book! Good luck SR Johannes! Take care

Vicki Rocho said...

Sounds exciting. I'm really glad real life isn't like this, though. How many books have parents dying/disappearing under mysterious circumstances? I would be verrrrry worried if life were more like YA...

Kelly Polark said...

I loved the book, too.
Congrats, Shelli!!

DL Hammons said...

I've posted a review (my first) of Shelli's book today. She really did an excellent job with it and her marketing campaign is top-notch! :)

Slamdunk said...

A missing persons book? Well, that is right up my alley--sounds like a winner.

Leigh Caron said...

Great review...and the cover is awesome!

Angela Brown said...

The premise of this book sounds very engaging!

April Plummer said...

That does sound good! I love hearing reading book reviews! I did one today too, actually! :)

mshatch said...

wow, another awesome review. But when you say you can't wait for the next book does that mean this is the first in a series? Just curious. I'll add it to my list anyway :)

prerna pickett said...

great review. Gotta keep an eye out for it at the library.

C D Meetens said...

This is another book that I think will have to go on my TBR pile.

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