I’m in the mood for some friday morning funnies. I watched this video a long time ago when the first Twilight movie came out and I have to say -I’ve yet to find another video that portrays exactly what would have happened if Buffy had been in Bella’s place.
Favorite lines-
Buffy: *wakes up startled to Edward in her bedroom. She sighs and rolls her eyes*-“Get out.”
Edward: “I like watching you sleep. It’s um, it’s kind of fascin...”
Buffy: “Get out or I will drop you out head first.”
I've never seen this before. Buffy rocks, and this had the perfect ending :-)
Oh yes!!! LOL!!! Love this one - says it all really!! Happy Friday! Take care
Oooh yes, I love this! Go Buffy. :D
Cute! Have a great weekend.
Wow this is creative. Buffy is one of the KA characters of all time...
Buffy is one smart chick. I mean seriously, Edward looks creepy and not cute at all. And I don't care how hot you are, if you're going to be showing up in my bedroom like that, at least bring me some roses and chocolates (assuming I already know you and like you). Don't just stare at me . . . unless you want me to hit you over the head with the lamp.
I hate vampires, always mooning about like stroppy teenagers and looking sulky. I only kill them because they are so annoying. I taught Buffy everything she knows but I never get any credit.
Ha, this was so well done! Buffy would definitely have made fun of Edward. :)
That's hilarious!
So not Bella-like.
BUFFY RULES! Edward drools!! :)
That must have taken a lot of time to put together! I wish they hadn't made Edward look so creepy and yellow in the movies!
I like where she tells him she's a vampire slayer!
That is hilarious.THANKS!
love it!
man, whoever put that together was awesome!
is it wrong that i was trying to name the buffy episodes that the different clips came from? :P
Hah! Great editing, good times.
"Like we're talking buddies, or something." LOL.
Awesome. :)
I love Buffy! Thanks for sharing! I'm always good for a laugh!
BTW, I nominated you! http://www.aprilplummer.com/2012/01/if-this-doesnt-scare-you-off-nothing.html
I love this remix, especially the part where Buffy tells him to look it up and then Edward turns and walks away, as if he's really going to go look it up. It makes me miss the first seasons of Buffy, the high school years, because those were the best seasons. I also always liked the idea of a kick-ass teenage heroine.
This gives us the chance at the fight that we were lead to believe we would have but didn't. Love it.
To funny! Yes, I was a Buffy fanatic.
This truly is laugh out loud funny. And the end!!
hilarious! And no way would Edward have survived around Buffy.
Buffy totally rocks. I loved that she staked him in the end. Much more realistic.
Oh my - that was awesome!
LOL. This short little remake was a lot more entertaining then the whole Twilight book and movie combined. I'm not a fan of twilight. Bella was too much of a perfect Mary Sue like character, and Edward was more creepy then hot.
LOVED this! And I love Buffy. It seems like we are going backwards when our teen icons move from Buffy to Bella!
Hahahahahahaha! Hilarious! Thanks for that.
I LOVE that video.
That short vid showed everything that Bella was not, I love it even more for that.
What a hoot! I LOVED this! I never read the books, and I tried to watch Twilight when it came on TV, but Bella was such a moping, solemn drag I wanted to whack her up the side of the head a la Cher and tell her to snap out of it. Buffy rocks.
I remember the first Buffy movie and when the series started. I seriously can not remember one person who liked it. Buffy was sooo annoying to us back then.
So, well, beware those who don't like Twilight. 20 years from now, you might be hearing how great it was. ;)
(your mileage may vary, of course)
I always liked Buffy, and Angel ;)
I love that! I <3 Buffy. Watched some today, even. :)
omg!!! That just transformed the entire storyline into one kickass book I wish had been written!
Nice Video! I'm not a twilight fan, but I did like Buffy very much.
Thanks for sharing. Don't most of us women want to be like that? Able to defend ourselves, and maybe the human race at the same time??
Lol yeah I can see how that would have gone badly. :-D
I LOVE this video. Buffy knows how to deal with a creepy stalker who's 100 years old.
oh it's been so long since I've seen this! STILL LOVE IT!!
*I feel-very-protective of you*
Laugh Out Loud Funny!
The day I found my daughter reading Twilight off by herself in the tree house at 13 (cripes!), I knew I would be reading the series along with her. (GOT to know what the girl is filling her mind with.)
I fell in love with the story, I admit. There's just something about the fantasy of someone watching out over you, even at forty-something! Though, at my age, I put those books down at night wanting to ravage the husband! I can see how Edward had his way with those raging hormones in teenage girls.
But, in *my* own writing, you bet the girl is gonna have some cajones like Buffy! We've just got to teach our girls that they are stronger than they think.
OMG love me some Edward Cullen
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