Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pretty Woman

Last night I sat in front of the t.v. with a big bowl of popcorn and watched ‘the original’ romantic comedy.  Sure, it might have been dubbed over in French, and the t.v. might have been in our bedroom since my romantically-challenged husband kicked me and my chickflick out of the living room so he could watch something more manly...

But it was still pretty damn good.

Despite being a romcom made in 1990 (when shows like ‘Full House’ were at the height of their popularity) and with Disney having a hand in the production,- I’m still absolutely shocked at the utter lack of corniness in this movie.  You would think romantic comedy + the 90’s + Disney would  = corniness incarnate.

But no.  As fantastic as the plotline is, you believe every minute of it.

And I suddenly found myself wanting Julia Roberts's hair.

And wishing my husband could borrow Richard Gere’s bedroom eyes for one night. (okay, that sounded way better in my head. Now I’ve got a mental image of hubby-dear ripping out Gere’s eyes and presenting me with them like some kind of Viking trophy. Eew.)

What I didn’t envy was Julia’s unabashedly 80’s eyebrows.


I guess what I’m trying to say is- it’s a pretty ironic cycle, isn’t it?  How sometimes the originals make us want more of the same- More sappy romantic  comedies!  More Starwars movies! More blonde teeny-bopper popstars! More books about wolves and vampires and witches and wizards!

And yet, more often than not- you just can’t beat the original.

What are your favorite ‘originals’ ? 

Speaking of which- don’t forget to sign up the origins blogfest !


Laura Pauling said...

Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing are two of my absolute favorite movies that I will always rewatch!

Jessica Bell said...

Totally agree. You cannot beat the original. Yep. Love Pretty Woman. Love Dirty Dancing, love Desperately Seeking Susan! :o)

Miranda Hardy said...

That was a great movie. One of my all time favorites. Dirty Dancing and The Breakfast Club were great, too.

Sarah said...

I have to agree--it's hard to beat some of those--The Breakfast Club is a classic. And I, too, am envious of Julia's hair.

Leigh Caron said...

Ha! I've noticed thicker brows of the 80's and 90's too. Mine were thicker also, so I thought I'd try penciling in thicker brows now to see if I looked younger...NOT! I looked like a clown. Guess some things are meant for youth. And Dirty Dancing is my favorite.

Old Kitty said...

Awwww Pretty Woman!! I wanted Julia Robert's hair too!! I backcombed mine like crazy to get the look.. LOL!

I liked that the characters weren't teenagers in this film too!

Ooh The Breakfast Club! ET! James Bond!

Take care

Connie Keller said...

I think I must be the only woman in the world that's never seen that movie. Gulp.

As for the eyebrows. I'm kinda of hoping they make a come-back. I know, you can shoot me. But I've got those thick, bushy eyebrows and I hate plucking. Plus, I won't spend the money to get them waxed.

vic caswell said...

buffy is TOTALLY an original in its genre. many have attempted to duplicate its magic, but they have all failed. :)

Dawn Ius said...

Pretty Woman absolutely, along with Dirty Dancing. And I consider Princess Bride one of the originals - it's absolutely a classic. I laughed when you mentioned "corniness" because even though I LOVE Pretty Woman (and watch it at least once a year), the very last line of the movie drives. me. nuts. "She rescues him right back." Seriously?

Slamdunk said...

Uh, uh, I don't have an answer. Perhaps, I would be with your husband watching the guy tube in the living room.

Matthew MacNish said...

Also, that miniskirt is freaking hot.

Ahem. The best original will always be the first three Star Wars. The second three are just so bad.

Emily White said...

Oh, I love that movie! And I have to agree with Matt and Vic. Those originals can NEVER be beaten.

Meredith said...

Aw, I love Pretty Woman! And Julia Roberts' hair, of course. :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

*whispers I haven't seen it yet*

Carrie-Anne said...

I purposely stay away from most modern movies (my great film loves are silents and early sound films), so I've never seen Pretty Woman, at least not all the way through. As for my originals, for the last 15 years I've been able to watch my beloved Laurel and Hardy over and over again and never get sick of them, even to the point where I know a lot of the routines and dialogues by heart. My so-called fiancé hijacked my Netflix queue, and I've seen way more modern movies than I've ever wanted to see in recent years. I just don't get the appeal of what passes for modern "comedy," or really much of what's considered entertaining in modern movies.

Tracy Jo said...

Not sure that it is an original but I love Beautiful Girls. Maybe it is the Minnesotan in me but great flick! I want Julia's hair too. :-)

mshatch said...

I still love that movie :) Especially because even though it might seem he's rescuing her, she had already rescued him. Now that's a happy ending.

Elana Johnson said...

Hmmm... I don't know if I know any originals. I am so shallow, I'll watch anything that has some sappy romance in it. Pretty Woman included. Another fave is You've Got Mail.

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

As much as I LOVE Tangled, Sleeping Beauty is still my favorite Disney movie. It totally hooked me, even without all the fancy (and awesome) effects. And even with the ultra-simple, predictable story line. Still get an ache in my chest thinking about it. *sniff*

Laura S. said...

I love Pretty Woman! Most people don't realize Julia Roberts received a best actress Oscar nomination for that role. That type of recognition is unusual for romcoms at the Academy Awards. But it was a well-deserved nomination, too, I think!

I like the original Karate Kid. The karate choreography may not be as flashy and exciting as the remake, but the 1980s influences in the film make it so so much better!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

There are several movies from that era that my family could watch over and over again: Adventures in Babysitting and Better off Dead come first to mind, but there are more.

Helena said...

Funny how Pretty Woman was just supposed to be almost a throw-away movie. Whenever I'm channel surfing and come across this one, I always end up watching it -- some of the scenes are so well done I just keep getting pulled back in yet again.

Angela McCallister said...

Wow, what are the odds? I just watched this on tv two weeks ago. It was an accident. It was on as white noise and I was editing so I didn't pay attention until they were in the penthouse together that first night. Then I put my darn ms down and couldn't stop watching. It hit every romance button with GMC and everything, a perfectly crafted romance. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed that movie!

Steven E. Belanger said...

Julia's personality and charisma--and smile!!!--made that movie a success. And the obvious chemistry between her and Richard Gere. To his credit, he seems to be able to do that to all of his female co-stars. originals: Jaws, ET, Psycho, Breakfast Club, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Dr. Strangelove, 2001, and Clockwork Orange. And Truman Show and Dead Poet's Society.

Botanist said...

Hmmm...can't offer anything on the "original" front in the way you meant, but your mention of dubbing immediately made me think of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

My wife and I both agree that the only way to watch this movie is in the original Chinese. Sure, reading the subtitles is a slight distraction, but there is magic in the musicality of the original voices. Dubbing it into English ruins it for us.

Anonymous said...

Yep. One of those feel goods that you can come back to again and again. Sleepless in Seattle is another that falls into this category for me. And I also would absolutely love Julia's hair - in fact, I'd be very happy with Richard Gere's hair!!

DL Hammons said...

One of my favorite "originals" is RISKY BUSINESS. Say all you want about Tom Cruise, but he was awesome in that movie! :)

Unknown said...

Love, love, love Pretty Woman. I wanted her hair too. And her smile. And her figure. :)

Margo Kelly said...

uh ... yeah ... I still have bushy eyebrows ... is that bad?

Oh well! :)

I love movies!!

The Fashion Philosophy said...

Haha, we love your blog! Amazing post! We are so obsessed with Pretty Woman..classic.

PS. We've a DORIS giveaway on our blog! Check it out, if you'd like! :)

ox from NYC,


Sarah Tokeley said...

I loved Pretty Woman but for me, Richard Gere will always be An Officer and a Gentleman :-)


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