Monday, March 12, 2012

What Kind of Blogger Are You?

It occurred to me the other day that ‘blogging’ might mean different things to different people.

When I say I’m sitting down to ‘blog’- I mean I’ve posted a blog and am going around to visit and interact with other bloggers. To me- ‘blogging’ means more than maintaining a blog that you post on every once in awhile, although that’s what it might mean to some. (And that’s fine.)

I think there are part-time bloggers (like me) who have a partial 2-3 days a week schedule. They post their blogs, visit, comment when they can and try to maintain interaction with the blogosphere (through facebook or twitter maybe?) even though real life obligations make it hard to be on top of the game 24/7.

Then there are the generous part-time bloggers who post a partial schedule but make time to visit and comment every day.

Then there are what I like to call the hard-core bloggers who not only post a blog every day but also visit and comment on 50+ blogs, respond to all comments through email, and manage to tag interesting things for facebook and twitter throughout the day. (all while maintaining their real-life responsibilities)  These people are inspiring.  (and okay, sure –They might make me feel a little like a big fat blogging fraud but that’s okay:)

What kind of blogger category do you fall into?  What do you mean when you say you’re ‘blogging’?


Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm amazed at the bloggers who can post everyday. I work full-time and have a family so try to post only once a week. To post something good, it's really all the time I have.

I do check blogs daily and try to comment on some of them. So what does that make me? Not sure, but I do what I can.

Ash-Matic said...

I'm a part-time blogger. And when I say I'm 'blogging', I mean I am procrastinating - and desperately, desperately, trying not to do any work.

Leigh Caron said...

I blog because I love writing short humorous stuff (I used to write radio spots). I'm usually posting about the writing life. When I started my blog, I had no concept of social networking. I guess I'm full-time, but I'm absent when it comes to emailing comments back.

Kim Van Sickler said...

Natalie is an amazing blogger. So relevant and I love how she takes time to visit other sites! I aspire to her level of competency. In fact, I have to go visit her blog right now!

Vikki said...

I'm a very part-time blogger. Or, maybe a "few and far between" blogger. :) I would love to commit more time to it, but with two kids, I barely have time to write my actual books! But I am amazed with people who can blog every day AND make the rounds. *sigh* Someday...

April Plummer said...

I used to be hardcore, but I'm not anymore. As you know, b/c you read my post. :) I think I'm a part-timer now. I comment when I can, try to blog 3 times a week, and try to stay in touch. There are just too many great bloggers and people out there to keep up with it all, unless losing my sanity is an option!

Old Kitty said...

I'm a loyal kitty blogger! LOL! Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I guess I'm almost hard-core. I only post three times a week but on an average day, I can visit up to a hundred other bloggers.

Tracy Jo said...

I would say I am a part time blogger but I do go through periods where I am posting every day. I am still working on managing my time and commenting more. When I say blogging...I mean that I am writing my blog post and visiting others. Have a great day!

Haven said...

By your descriptions I suppose I would fall into the category of Hardcore Blogger =) Haha, I have a linked Twitter, Facebook (Personal and Blog page), and Tumblr associated with my blog. I try to visit my regular Reading list and comment as much as possible.

Every. Day.

While holding down a 50 hr/wk job and everything else I have to do in life. Phew. Wow, that makes me think I should take it a little easier.

For me though, my social network is also kind of an informal support group. It helps me connect, share information, and generally maintain a necessary human connection.

Jessica Bell said...

Unfortunately I'm in the category you're in. Not that there's anything wrong with that! :o) Wish I had more time for it though.

Laura S. said...

I'm between a part-time blogger and a generous part-time blogger. I go through spurts of the latter and then something comes up and I fall back to the former until I can make time to be a generous blogger again.

My definition of blogging is the same as yours!

Meredith said...

Ha, I'm definitely a part-time blogger. But I'm an aspiring hard-core blogger! I've been thinking a lot about how to make my blog and my blogging habits more productive. We'll see what happens. :)

Anonymous said...

I maintain 3... 4, 5, 6. 6 blogs.

The 3 on Blogger are the most public. 2 are semi-private, and one is very private - only members of the site can see it.

Of the 3 public blogs, I'd say I'm a generous part-time blogger. My homeschooling/Paganism/life-in-general blog sees a post just about every other day.

My writing blog gets a post about once or twice a week. My genealogy blog gets posts when time allows. I have more time when my son is with his dad, of course. :)

And, by blogging, I mean a public journal that's out there for everybody to read. Sometimes that's good and sometimes... not so good. Heh.

Nicole Zoltack said...

I miss blogging already and baby #3 is only 2 and a half weeks old. Right now, I'm just trying to post and comment when I can.

Matthew MacNish said...

I used to be hard-core, or at least I thought I was, but I just couldn't maintain. I was going insane in the membrane.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

For a couple of years I was a hard-core blogger, but this year I've become more of a generous part-time blogger. I still try to post 4 or 5 times a week, but I don't make it to as many other blogs per day and have not been as present on FB.

Carrie-Anne said...

I schedule a lot of my posts in advance, so for awhile now I've had something going up every day. Once in awhile, I'll have two posts a day. Some of the posts are from my old Angelfire website, so I don't have to spend time writing them, only polishing them up a bit. I used to journal every day for years, so I suppose this is my way of making up for not journaling by hand so much anymore. I try to comment on blogs I know about, but not on 50+ a day. Even I'm not that verbose!

Kyra Lennon said...

When I started, I was hardcore, but now I realise I actually can't fit in billions of blogs to read every day, so I am more a generous part-timer for now!

Johanna Garth said...

Aspirations to hard-core but basically part time...I mean we've got to put food on the table and find time to write and...*sigh*!

Tamara Narayan said...

Is pathetic a category? I spend way, way too much time writing my weekly blog. I need to chill, keep it short and sweet, and spend more time visiting other blogs. I don't comment on too many blogs, but I try to leave something interesting when I do.

LTM said...

Those hard-core guys are truly amazing. I started out kind of generous part time, but now I'm just part time. I had to internalize I'm a writer first. Which is hard b/c this community is so great and supportive. I don't want to lose touch w/anybody. :o) <3

Cynthia Lee said...

I still like to read certain blogs but I've grown quite lazy about updating my own.

Youngman Brown said...

When I started, it was just to write for my own blog, but then when people started commenting on my blog, it made me want to reach out and support other bloggers as well.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to read and comment on every post by others, but I still try to as much as I can.

Unknown said...

I'm amazed at the hardcore bloggers. I try to keep to a schedule, but with now working full-time that can be difficult. I need to get organised so I can find time to get around and comment on more blogs, and update mine more often.

Marta Szemik said...

I'm a part-time blogger which still feels like full time:) I try to post Mondays and Fridays, check other bloggers daily and comment on as many as time permits.
And since part-time blogging feels like full-time to me, I have no idea how the others are able to keep up. Kudos to all bloggers!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I suppose I'm a part-time blogger. I like your designation of "generous" blogger, who visits other people's blogs every day even when not posting.

And here I thought that was just called "avoiding housework." ;)

Alleged Author said...

I am a VERY part-time blogger. If only I could learn balance then I'd be able to blog more!

Diana said...

I am a reluctant blogger who posts once a week, maybe twice. I quit doing it and lost my following. I'm too busy with kids and work and writing, so I am struggling to get 'er done.

Tasha Seegmiller said...

I post three times a week on my blog and every other week on my group blog and try to visit at least 20 blogs MWF, more if it's a blogfest that I'm participating in. Does that make me a pseudo-generous part-time blogger?

Annalisa Crawford said...

I'm a random blogger - I don't have a schedule but post when I have something to say.

I visit blogs whilst procrastinating - so usually every day :-)

Unknown said...

I'm definitely the Big Fat Blogging Fraud. I have good intentions but life gets in the way. I don't have a schedule and I don't get round to other blogs as much as I'd like. I like to visit other blogs while I'm having a coffee break.

Nancy Thompson said...

I try to post once a week, then I spend the better part of that day visiting other blogs and commenting. But I do have my favorites that I visit everyday, or at least on the days I know they are posting. That's what my smart phone is for!

DL Hammons said...

Place me in the part-time blogger pile. I'd like to do more, but I manage what I can. :)

Kimberlee Turley said...

I'm am struggling to post weekly. It's so easy for me to get lost in checking out all the blogs on my blogroll, commenting on everyone else who's not even on my blog roll, and keeping up with twitter.

I could be at my computer all day doing this, but I have to limit myself to two hours.

Sarah Tokeley said...

I blog three times a week (recently up from two) but I visit other blogs daily. I read a LOT of blogs although I'm trying to cut back a bit as I work on my revisions. I haven't managed the cutting back bit very well though!

Unknown said...

When I say I'm blogging I mean the same thing you do - writing posts (some of the time) AND visiting other blogs (most days). I'd say I'm probably almost a generous part-time blogger :-)


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