Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I - Inappropriate Itching

Yeah. Why does my nose only itch at the most inappropriate times? (You didn’t think I’d talk about that other kind of itching, did you? Ewe. -  Although Ash-matic did have a very interesting post a couple weeks ago about that kind of itching, if you want a good laugh)

 After I take such care with my complexion-calculated base to cover up all the red spots and freckles and I finally get to the work/party/dinner/other-location-where-I-want-to-look-spiffy,  that’s when my nose starts to itch like some kind of invisible fairy is twitching a feather under my face.  And let's face it- there's no pretty way to scratch your nose. No matter what you do, everyone thinks you're picking it.

But when I can get a moment alone, of course I take the bait and rub, sniff, wipe my little heart out and end up looking like I’m suffering from severe allergies – and of course, I end up getting face-colored gook on my hands which transfers immediately to my black satin blouse/purse/pants – whatever makes it stand out the most.

Oh, the trials and tribulations of being a woman…


Almost forgot to post today. 

Welcome to the randomness that is the A-Z!

Do you have any inappropriate itching stories?


Annalisa Crawford said...

Lol... and if I was stood next to you, I'd need to scratch, because watching someone scratch their nose makes mine itch!

Kittie Howard said...

I'm with Annalisa. Like seeing someone yawn, I'd have to fight off a yawn. I hate it when I have to wear stockings cause the bottom of my foot sometimes itches. Yuck!

Anonymous said...

I've had the unpardonable itch come over me when I'm at my most vulnerable: Weddings, funerals, baptisms, etc. I go nuts when that happens! And it ALWAYS happens!

Matthew MacNish said...

This is why I shave my head, and wear jeans and t-shirts. Low maintenance.

Connie Keller said...

And I thought I was the only who had the itchy nose thing. I always end up looking like Rudolph in photos--I think I must have a photography allergy.

Kimberlee Turley said...

My eyes get itchy/irritated when I wear eyeshadow, even clinique... which is always saying they're completely allergen free and what not.

It sucks because I feel so plain without my make up.

Anonymous said...

And yet the enjoyment/relief which comes from a good scratch...just can't beat it!!

Tracy Jo said...

Lol! I had to come over when I saw your title to see where you were going with this one! :-) Ah yes, the trials and tribulations we go through. Have a great day!

Glynis Peters said...

That is one memory I try to forget! I was put off of theatre nursing because of worrying about 'what if I got an itch'. :D

Old Kitty said...

I really hate itches where you can't reach - normally between the shoulder blades or on the shoulder blades and unless you have a back scratcher to hand you're rubbing against a wall or something! LOL! Take care

Tracy Moore said...

Perfect post for I! You're right...the nose hardly ever itches in the non-embarrassing alone time.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It's allergy season here - I'm all about the itchy nose!

Leigh Caron said...

Ha,ha,ha! And OMG...I just posted on another's blog about the time I had a wild hair up my nose that was driving me nuts! I was in my car at a stop light when I decided to free the damn hair. I don't know why I did this, but I turned to look at the car next to me at the same time I stuck my finger up nose. There was a collective EEUUWW! from the teenagers in that car.

Jay Noel said...

I read that scientists say a person who is lying will itch their nose. They'll go beyond a simple rub or scratch.

When you lie, blood rushes to the face, which causes the itch.

But, I'm thinking this won't work for sociopaths, as their bodies don't react to deception.

shelly said...

Firday, while at work and in the middle of doing a haircolor(knuckle-deep in it), my nose started to itch, then my head, then my back, then my butt crack....

Angela Brown said...

Oh that darned inappropriate itch. It does love to flare up the moment you've gotten all dashing and perfect just to make you look like you're have an allergic reaction when it's just the need to get that tiny itch under control...and no, not to pick your nose lol!

Martina Boone said...

My favorite itch story isn't mine, it's from DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE where the m/c uses wishes to make her ex-boyfriend itch in very inappropriate places. The scene is so rich and full of many different layers. Just goes to show, you never know when that itch story will turn into something useful. :D


Eric W. Trant said...

Are you kidding? Guys are full of inappropriate itching? Have you never watched baseball?

- Eric

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

On a busy train, I once watched a man try to surrupticiously scratch an unfortunate itch. When he got off at his stop, I was somewhat reluctant to sit in the seat he'd occupied. lol.

Steph said...

Always! Whenever I am getting my nails done, trying to meditate, helping a client... I always get itchy!


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