Friday, June 22, 2012

FMFB- I'll See You On the Other Side!

Good Morning everybody and welcome to this week's Friday Morning Follower’s Bloffee! Looks like summer has finally arrived! The weather in France is glorious and I've been seeing loads of comments about the heat in various parts of the U.S. the last few days. I hope the sunny days last throughout the next five weeks!

So, for any newbies - all you have to do to participate in bloffee is:

1. Comment. 2. Tell us what you’ve brought for breakfast. ( I'll be serving up some virtual pancakes with maple syrup)  3. Find someone in the comments section you don’t recognize and check out their blog. Voila! An instant friend and potential follower connection has been made.

My blogposts over the next few weeks will probably be sporadic and all over the place since, well, I’m going to be all over the place.

We arrive in New York. My parents are picking us up and whisking us away to Richmond, Virginia where we’ll stay with one of my favorite aunts for a couple days before finishing the trip down to South Carolina.

Three weeks in SC before we travel back up the coast, staying with my sister in North Carolina for a few days, again in Virginia and then ten days in good ol’ Connecticut (where I grew up).

Lots of traveling and long car trips (but I honestly miss that. It feels like summer.) In France, it only takes about six-eight hours to cross the country by car, going the long way. This has kind of shrunk the French’s perception of space and time. Basically, if anything is over 30 minutes away, the French say it’s in ‘China’ and won’t travel there without some prodding.

As much as I love the East Coast, someday I dream of visiting other states like California, Colorado, and Louisiana. Or Quebec City! In any case, I can’t wait to see the U S of A again. I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend! Next time I write, it will be from the other side of the ocean!

Is there a state you’ve always dreamt of visiting but never got around to it? Any big summer plans?  


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Katie, if you take I-95 to South Carolina, you'll at some point be within twenty miles of my house! Enjoy and prepare for heat and humidity. It hit big time this week.

Suzie F. said...

I'm bringing strawberries and whipped cream. I have this recurring dream that I'm driving into Chicago so someday I'd like to visit Illinois for real. I'd also like to visit Alaska some day. This year we'll be making a long road trip to Indiana to take our son to college for the first time (yikes!)

Enjoy your time in the States!

Annalisa Crawford said...

Enjoy your travels. I'm being really disorganised today, so I'm bringing a protein shake because I've just been to the gym... I don't suppose you'll want to share that though...

Old Kitty said...

Oh wow!! So so so excited for you!! Will bring Bucks Fizz then to celebrate your hols!! Take care

Leigh Caron said...

Yogurt, granola and fruit. I've always yearned for a complete state of bliss. Have fun with your family. In CA, because of traffic, everything is measured in how long it takes to get there, not how many miles. Ten miles might take you an hour, give or take.

Carrie-Anne said...

I'll bring strawberry pancakes with creme Chantilly.

I'd love to go to California, Hawaii, Alaska, Arizona, and New Mexico. I've primarily visited the Northeast, plus Florida, West Virginia, and Colorado.

Anonymous said...

Cheerios and berries from me today! (What? It's been too hot to bake anything, even virtually, this week.)

I would love to visit out west someday. Colorado, Arizona, northern California, Oregon ... it's all so different from the places I've lived and visited. I'd also like to get to Montreal someday. I've visited Ottawa too many times to count, been to Toronto a few times, but despite growing up very close to the Canadian border, I've never made to to Montreal. Need to change that someday soon!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

You've never been to Quebec?? Well, whenever you're able to THAT is the place we'll finally meet in person! You have to come to Winter Carnival. So fun!!

It's Friday, so I'm bringing a sweet yet mischievous smile to breakfast.

Tony Van Helsing said...

Richmond is home of one of my favourite bands, Lamb of God.
When I have been driving in rural France I'm always struck by how few other cars are on the road. Then I saw that crazy roundabout in Paris and realised all the cars in France seem to be driving around it at the same time.

Becky Mahoney said...

It's been far too long, so I thought I'd swing by with some mimosas to give us all some relief from this heat. Safe travels, and have a great time!

D.G. Hudson said...

Enjoy your stateside visit!

At one time I wanted to live in New England or California (San Fran is a fave of mine).

For your bloffee, I'll bring fresh English muffins with butter and honey.

Tonja said...

I bring hazelnut coffee with a little bit of vanilla syrup.

I want to see the Grand Canyon. And Hawaii. Have a great trip.

Matthew MacNish said...

I've always wanted to go to Alaska. Preferably the back country. But I'd probably have to get in shape again first.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I made some spiffy omelets this morning for you-all!

Have a wonderful, wonderful trip and enjoy your family!

I'd like to visit Alaska some day!

Julie Dao said...

I'm bringing bacon! Mmmm. Safe travels, Katie! That's so exciting that you get to see so many new places in the coming weeks.

LD Masterson said...

I'm just bringing a Special K meal bar. Trying to shed a few pounds.

I've always wanted to see Montana. Not sure why. Maybe someday.

Have a great time on your trip.

Diane J. said...

Oh this is great guilt-free I'm bringing the cream cheese-stuffed, baked french toast, with strawberry syrup.

I would like to visit Maine, don't know why, but the stormy season really appeals to me. Does that make me weird?

Erin Kane Spock said...

I brought some baby bagels, cream cheese, and smoked salmon with me this morning (sounds really good to me for some reason right now).
I haven't been here in forever. Glad to see you still posting.
I have never been to Connecticut and would like to go have a New England seaboard experience.

DL Hammons said...

I couldn't make it by until late today...and all the good coffee and snacks are gone! :(

Have a SAFE and wonderful trip! :)

Nicole L Rivera said...

I've always wanted to travel up and down the West Coast. San Diego to Alaska.

This summer the hubby and I are road tripping it up from Fort Lauderdale to Ohio to visit my family. Can't wait. Ohio one of my favorite places on the planet :) I grew up in Florida but for some reason I always felt "at home" in Ohio with the rest of our family.

Happy travels, Katie! Nothing like going home :)

Kimberly Gabriel said...

I'm stopping by for after dinner coffee this evening...I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon. I'd also like to visit Montana...ooh - or travel along the coast of California. As for summer plans...we'll be welcoming Baby Boy #2.

Hope you have a wonderful trip, Katie!

Neurotic Workaholic said...

I'll have what everyone else is having. :) And I'll bring Starbucks Frappuccinos for everyone, because I can't cook, at least not without setting stuff on fire.
I'd love to visit New York (in particular New York City). Or maybe Washington (Seattle, former home of Frasier Crane).

Talli Roland said...

Have a great time, Katie. And Quebec City is gorgeous, but don't skip Montreal! Love that city.

Misha Gerrick said...

I'm quite a bit late, I see. Bakery took FOREVER with my almond croissants. ;-P

Have a safe flight, Katie!

Anonymous said...

I missed the Friday Morning Follower's Bloffee, again! : (

Carrie Lynne said...

I am currently in Mass. On vacation..just got back from breakfast with my sis and brother..enjoying myself.

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Oh, this is so true. Did you realize it also applies to fathers who take an active part in all that laundry/shopping/cooking stuff? I often wondered where my house elf had disappeared to once I left university ;D

Vacation plans for us...hitch up the trailer and drive off to a campground near a beach. Somehow, when you're camping, shopping & cooking doesn't seem like work in quite the same way.
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