Monday, February 25, 2013

Extended Hiatus

So, the last few weeks ‘baby brain’ has set in. I wanted to keep up with the blog and the writing community. I really did. But the truth is, I can barely manage to string two coherent sentences together that don’t contain the words ‘baby, labor, or birth’. I’ve searched the recesses of my brain, but unfortunately I’ve had nothing witty or relevant to add to the blog about writing, querying, books or publishing. I sent in my big revise & resubmit to the agent in December, and any further motivation to create has seemed to disappear along with my stretched-out belly button.

I knew this would happen. I hoped it wouldn’t- but deep down, I knew it would. I’ve always been useless the last months of my pregnancies. The growing baby sucks the last of my energy while mentally preparing for her arrival takes up any brain power I may have on reserve. Like Gloria said in Modern Family -‘I have two brains in my body, but never felt so dumb’.

And the worst part is, it’s not going to get any better after the birth. Because once the baby comes, so do the hormones. And in my case, breastfeeding and hormones compile to create a ‘drugged and in denial’ effect that allows me to go days without sleep, clothes that don’t smell like spit-up, or adult interaction and actually be happy about it. Now that I’m on my fourth time through this rabbit hole, I fully anticipate and accept the two-month mental, emotional and psychological journey through ‘la la land’ needed for baby and I to adapt.

Which is why I prefer to go an hiatus now, before I forget I have a blog altogether.

But I hate to leave things hanging. So,I was looking through my settings and realized in the last three years, I’ve written 415 posts (Holy Crap!).

Not to mention, a bunch of other posts surrounding those themes (agents, blogging, bloghops, books, reading, etc…) that haven’t been labeled or aren’t labeled under the above. You can scroll down to the ‘Labels’ section of this blog for a full list. For any newbies, I hope you find what you’re looking for here. For all my regular blogging friends and readers, I’ll miss you over the next few months and I will update my writer facebook regularly! (see sidebar)

See you all in the Spring!



Old Kitty said...

Never mind the blog! You have a good birth and a good break!! I am wishing you all the best and am most excited for you and your family! Yay! Take care

Louise said...

Enjoy this break from the writing/blogging world! Spring isn't that far away ... we can endure until then. Good luck with the last bit of time before the baby comes, and enjoy those first few months with your little one!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I'm with Kitty. And you are far from useless-even at the end of pregnancy. Your energy is just focused in a different arena, as it should be. You are awesome! Take care and best of luck with this upcoming labor. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Katie! Don't worry about blogging! You take care of you and that baby. Best wishes!

Stina said...

Just two months??? I'm impressed. After baby #3, I returned to my drug rep job a year later (we get a year mat leave in Canada), only to sound like a complete idiot. After my first call, which amounted to the physician giving me a look that confirmed my suspicion about the idiot part, I prefaced my introduction with 'hi I'm just back from mat leave.' People were a lot more understanding after that. lol

mshatch said...

Enjoy your break and the new baby :)

Matthew MacNish said...

Get your rest, and concentrate on what's important! We'll be here when you return.

shelly said...

Hugs and chocolate!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Take a break and hope all goes well!

jaybird said...

Best of luck Katie. Rest up, take it easy before you can't. We'll all be here when you get back!

Rachel said...

Best of luck with the labor and newborn Katie. We'll always be here waiting for your posts whenever you're ready to come back. Good luck with your revise & resubmit (I'm still waiting on mine too) and love the round up of your posts!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Best wishes, and I'll look for good news on Facebook!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Just do what you need to do for your baby and you. It's no problem if you need to take a break. We all do sometimes. Just let us know your happy news after you have the baby and come back when you can.

D.G. Hudson said...

My hubs called the last couple of months (known as the nesting instinct) preggers brain.

I'm sure the hormones are the culprits, they're working on overtime for the big production.

Do what you need to do, we'll be waiting to hear about you and the new family member when the time is right for you. Wishing you an easy time of it.

Leigh Caron said...

Baby? Blog? Not even a choice. Your mommy genes are calling and, being the great mom that you are, you're answering. Wishing you the best during the next few months.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Smart lady. Relax, enjoy, and do whatever you want!
(best of luck with the agent too.)

Red Boot Pearl said...

I am in the same boat... I'm due at the end of March and I feel it. It stinks when you want to be productive but you just can't. Growing a baby is exhausting, let alone taking care of other kids, house, life, etc. And I know the baby cave is coming it'll be a couple months before I feel semi-normal again after the kiddo gets here. Frustrating, but normal, and at least by then the baby won't be sitting on my tailbone anymore :)

Sandra Rose Hughes said...

I pray you have a lovely birth. I had a baby 8 months ago and it's only been in the past 3 months or so that I've been able to do any writing, much less regular blog updates! Have a great rest!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Enjoy your break and your new bundle of joy :)

DL Hammons said...

We'll miss you! Come back when it's right, and not one moment before! :)

LTM said...

I completely understand! Take care of yourself! Take it easy, and BEST OF LUCK with everything!!! *hugs* <3

Petro said...

Hey, I'm with you! Towards the end of my pregnancy I felt I was so stupid even though people would say I'm silly and totally wrong. My mind was empty and on "baby" mode 24/7.
it will pass, we know that so hang in there and just make fun of it :)


Laura S. said...

Enjoy your hiatus, Katie. Wishing you the best of luck and happiness through the rest of this pregnancy and when the newest baby Mills arrives!!

Anne Gallagher said...

Best of luck with the new baby. Be sure to show us pictures when you get back. I just love baby toes.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. You not only just delivered a baby, you have other beautiful kiddos vying for your attention. I know what it's like to have #4. Trust me; it's a whirlwind of exhaustion. It will eventually pass, but in my case, it did change me as a person. My priorities changed. The house didn't need to be so clean, and the groceries didn't need to be done on a specific day. You'll return to writing and blogging when it's time. You'll know when it's right. No worries. Enjoy this time and make sure to take of yourself. You can't take care of anyone else if you don't take care of you. ;-) Here whenever you need to chat.

french sojourn said...

Just ran across your blog. Really enjoy it. My wife and I along with our 16 year old live in SouthWest France. An hour plus east of Bordeaux. Starting our third year.
Cheers Hank

Kristin Lenz said...

Best of luck, and enjoy this new chapter in your life. During the last couple months of my pregnancy, I was incapable of doing anything but re-reading the Harry Potter series!

Mel Chesley said...

Well my dear, regardless of baby brain, it's a lot of those posts I found so enjoyable and inspiring, so you have an award on my blog awaiting your return. Good luck!

Mel at Writings Musings and Other Such Nonsense

Melissa Sugar said...

Of course you need to take a break...a new mommy break...a brand new baby break. Congratulations. Enjoy your miracle and treasure every minute, because they grow up too damn fast. I Hadn't heard from you in a while & I saw your comment over on Alex's blog & just wanted to stop by and say hello.


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