Monday, March 31, 2014

The Hills are Alive...

First of all, thank you so much to DL Hammons and everyone who participated in Wednesdays Blitz Bombardment. Even though I joined the Blitz team months ago, and try to participate now and then, I never realized just how much being Blitzed could completely change the course of someone’s day; how something so simple as leaving a blog comment could have such an impact, until it happened to me. I’m so glad DL came up with this, and thankful for the hundreds of you who take the time to comment and brighten up your fellow bloggers’ day. It’s just amazing. For those of you who want to know more about what it means to be ‘blitzed’ and would like participate, click here.

In other news, I finally broke 20k on my wip! And it only took me two and a half months! *sigh* It hasn’t helped matters that my one-year-old is cutting her back molars and thought she and I should celebrate by pulling a couple all-nighters last week, from which I’d only barely recovered before France ‘sprang forward’ with the rest of the world and I was forced to get up an hour earlier.

Chronic fatigue aside, I absolutely love this time of year. You know that bone-deep sensation before a big storm when the air feels alive and you can smell change on the horizon? That’s kind of like what Spring is for me, but on a larger, yet less dramatic scale. That smell of change in the air, the warmth, and all the deepening and brightening of landscape colors makes me want to twirl around like Julie Andrews and sing the ‘hills are alive, with the sound of music!’. Hopefully nature’s vibrance will give my muse the boost she needs to finish this damn manuscript before summer vacation.

Do you guys find you’re more or less productive during different seasons? 


Natalie Aguirre said...

So glad you enjoyed being blitzed. And awesome you got 20k written. I don't really have a productive writing time right now until I get through some of the big challenges in other parts of my life. But I am hoping to get back into the writing regularly and being productive.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you enjoyed your Blitz Day. It does mean a lot to receive comments.
Congratulations on that many words. Don't worry, I'm not doing much better right now.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Spring is allergy season for me -- which usually develops into full blown sinusitis at least once. I admit it's not my favorite part of the year, but at least we might be opening the hot tub -- if it looks like the snow is finally over. That part, I look forward to!

And that relates to writing how? Well, sitting out under the stars in the hot tub with a martini is a great place for brainstorming!

Leigh Caron said...

The only seasons here where I live in Mexico is hot...and hottER. When there's a thunderstorm, I think it's time to watch TV, but often the electric goes out as if the fates were saying, "LAZY GIRL!" Love your new masthead.

Angela Brown said...

Getting blitzed is certainly loads of fun.

And progress is wonderful, even if it takes a little longer than you'd want it to take. Keep at it :-)

DL Hammons said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the BLITZ...I certainly enjoyed targeting you. :)

I'm on a word binge myself and hope to wrap up my manuscript in a couple of weeks. Long time coming!

Cathy Keaton said...

I'm more productive when my overall health is doing better, and that's not tied into any seasons, I don't think.

I just surpassed 20K words on my WIP, as well! Although, it took me longer than two months, so don't feel bad. I hope I can finish mine before summer, too. I just want it finished now!

Tamara Narayan said...

I don't know about previous years, but this spring I'm trying to be--productive. I just submitted another short story to the e-magazine that has published 3 of my previous shorts and 1 novella. Check. I started the A to Z Blog Challenge today after over a year of practically no blogging. Check. And now all I need to do is finish editing my novel and query it. (Or just find several other projects to delay that torture.)

I hope your baby sleeps through the night for you.

Anonymous said...

I've only just come across your blog - and the photo in your banner made me laugh out loud! I love it!

I'll have to check this Blitz thing out, I'm doing the A to Z challenge this month which is another fantastic way to meet other bloggers.

And congrats on breaking the 20k mark on your WIP!! fingers crossed for more great writing days and less sleeping nights :)


David P. King said...

I was blitzed before, and I tell you it couldn't have happened at a better time. Congrats on tackling your word count! :)


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