Thursday, April 26, 2012

W - Wild Thang

It seems there’s a moment for most people in their lives where they're more apt to do wild, crazy, things like hitch-hike or bungee jump (ha! I just accidently wrote ‘bungee hump’  *snicker*.)

For me, (and for many others, I presume) my time was in college.

Wild & Crazy things I will (probably) never do again:

Decide on the spur of the moment  to drive to Time Square and party New York style on a Friday night. 

Drunk-walk from a Paris pub to my apartment using the tour Montparnasse as a focal point at 3 a.m.

Go travelling through Italy with a total stranger.

Tag along to a concert in Switzerland and camp out in my car in a parking lot overrun with hostile German squatters.

Elope with a Frenchman;)

That’s all I can think of I’m willing to share;)

What’s the craziest thing you ever did while in your ‘Wild Thang’ stage? 


Leigh Caron said...

Never had any wild crazy thangs...but my move to Mexico to open a writer's retreat makes my family think I've gone wild and crazy. Yeah, crazy happy and in love!

Creepy Query Girl said...

This is me- facebook 'liking' your comment Em-Musing! That's awesome!

Mark K said...

I went to join the French Foreign Legion at the age of 21.

Geoff Maritz said...

Wild thang stage, Is it over?
Still doing things others think are a bit outrageous like bungee jumping and wrestling with cobras. Drives my kids nuts. :)
You'll be surprised at how those things you consider to be so wild will creep up on you again a bit later in life.
I enjoyed you brief expose`, thanks, Geoff.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I was way too wild in high school. It's a miracle I survived it. That's all I'll say.

farawayeyes said...

Not sure I want to tell, BUT 'eloping with a Frenchman' got to be the best one I'll ever hear.

Trisha Harner said...

Wow...this post brings up some memories. Thanks for that! Being a mom, wife, good citizen, the things I use to do in my early 20's, crazy stuff. One of my favorite is sleeping out on the pier in Biloxi with the homeless, we were locked out, and had no money for a hotel. Or maybe it's the trip into Tijuana, or the toga party we crashed...again thanks for the memories, crazy as they sound now it was a good time, but don't tell my daughters.

Anonymous said...

I love spur-of-the-moment things. No rules. Call me The Wild One!

Matthew MacNish said...

I can't think of a single thing I can admit to on the internet.

Oh wait, here's one: drive from Minneapolis to Santa Cruz California, when I was 18, and live on the beach and the boardwalk for a few months.

Tamara Narayan said...

In college on summer break I got caught up in a wild, midnight scavenger hunt. The other team grabbed a funeral wreath (but felt bad and put it back.)

I once lead the same group of friends to an abandoned house with a ouja board. The amount of noise we made scared the spirits away.

Old Kitty said...

I got a tattoo and turned vegetarian! LOL! Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I was never into the wild stuff. Sad, I know. I did allow friends and roommates to take me out on my twenty-first birthday. I won't share that stupid night either.

Nate Wilson said...

Let's see, I broke my hand fighting a wall, fell off a 30-ft cliff trying to get a photo, and hit 110 mph right after passing a cop.

Oh, wait, those all happened in my late 20s. Yeah, I never really had a wild thang phase.

Tracy Moore said...

My earlier wild thing stage...well, it's just amazing to me that I lived to tell about it...even though I'm not going to lol! Now that I'm older by about twenty years it seems that I am entering a new wild phase...a more goofy and harmless one thank goodness. My sister and I were shopping together a few years ago and she was showing me what had to be the biggest bra we've ever seen. Of course my mind goes to...that's big enough to be a hat! So, I put the cup over my head and the strap under my chin and start doing a little dance. After her initial shock wore off, my sister couldn't stop laughing. Have to admit that several other shoppers got a good snicker out of it too. :)

Slamdunk said...

Not much of a wild man, but with undergrad graduation approaching I decided on a spur of the moment, after work nonetheless, to drive across a couple of states to visit Memphis. I had never been before and had always wanted to go.

Man was I tired on that long drive there and back.

Connie Keller said...

Stupidest thing I've ever done. My best friend and I would take turns driving home from high school with our eyes closed. The driver closed her eyes and the passenger gave directions--turn left, stop, etc. This was in LA. Really dumb. Thankfully, we never had an accident.

Marta Szemik said...

Gosh, there are things I will just never share publicly in fear my children will one day read;)

Angela Brown said...

The wild and crazy thing that I wouldn't mind doing again is getting a dragon tattoo on my back...but the others that I wouldn't do again are probably best left unknown.

Yeah...that would be better.

I like your wild and cray things. You got a husband out of one of them :-)

Neurotic Workaholic said...

I have to admit that I haven't really done anything wild and crazy, at least I don't think I have. Does that mean that the Wild Thang stage will be in my thirties instead? :)

Unknown said...

I will probably never again down an entire bottle of 151 in one night. It should go without saying that was a bad idea. I can't really talk about what other things happened that night. :P

Anonymous said...

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