Friday, September 28, 2012

Not Feeling Fridays...

I’ve decided that today, instead of a FMFB or another new-release spotlight post, I’m just going to wish you all a beautiful fall Friday!

To be honest, I’m thinking about tossing Friday’s scheduled posts up to the blogging Gods and letting them decide if I post or not. For one, I’ve noticed a definite lull in overall Friday blogging activity over the last year or so- Wait. Actually, I’ve noticed a lull in ALL blogging activity over the last year. I’m not sure if this is because the blogging community I’ve always been a part of has entered that veteran stage where people post and participate less, or if we’re all just keeping tabs through other avenues like facebook or twitter. (actually, I think it’s a little of both). But Matt McNash’s Wednesday post about bloggers missing an awesome opportunity due to lack of participation highlighted one of the consequences of the blogosphere’s slow decline.  As I said there, sometimes I feel like the blogosphere has become a dystopian world where small communities cling together for dear life, supporting each other as best they can.

Another reason for ‘up in the air’ Friday posts is that my TGIF’s are pretty jammed-packed, family wise. The hubs has Fridays off so we pick the kids up for lunch and have to bring them back to school after. (There’s an hour-and-a-half nation-wide lunch break over here in France every weekday. Banks, schools, pharmacies and businesses are all closed up tight from around 12-2pm).  Of course I’ll still sponsor the occasional FMFB, and try and slip Friday ‘Living in France’ posts or spotlight posts in there whenever I can, but I can’t say it will be a weekly occurance.

Have any of you noticed the lull in activity over the last year-and-a-half or so? Why do you think this is? Has anyone else cut down on their own blogging schedules or participation due to the apparent lack of activity?


Leigh Caron said...

I HEAR ya! Yes, I've noticed a lull. And sometimes I can't keep up the pace. Er, no, not the lulling pace...the reciprocal comment pace.

Louise said...

Well, I certainly can't blame you - I've had to cut back to only posting once a week, myself. Between family, story-writing, and trying to keep my house livable, blogging has definitely taken a back seat. And as you said, with Twitter and Facebook, it does often seem that there are easier ways to keep up with everyone!

I made a lot of blogging friends through your FMFBs, though - I hope you don't do away with them entirely. Maybe once a month? Or turn them into Monday Morning Follower Bloffees instead? (she says hopefully, since Monday is her only day to post) Whatever you decide, good luck, and enjoy your real life Fridays!

Laura Pauling said...

I think we've all realized that we need to focus on writing. That blogging doesn't really sell books or advance our careers. I noticed a difference last spring. My google reader was way down and I know several blogging buddies that havent' returned to blogging from their summer break. That's okay. I've scaled back to once/twice a week.

Part of that was my decision to self publish. I have a business so some of the time I spent on blogging I now spend on not only more writing but the formatting/covers/organizing book releases.

But I still think keeping up on it is a good thing. I don't' want to lose the connections I've made. I love that support network and cheering on my friends.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

You have a point about Friday blogging. I tend to save humorous posts for Fridays, even posts that don't require much brain power from me. (Sad, yes, but true.)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Just ebb and flow. I still blog three days a week. Except today. I'm on vacation. (And really need to get offline and go have some fun...)

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

From blogging three days a week to just every seven or eight days, I have become one of those who scaled back. I have also noticed many others who have done likewise. As with everything in life, we start out with great enthusiasm and as time time goes by, that wanes and we move on. I do enjoy the blogging world and plan on continuing, just to a lesser extent.

Connie Keller said...

I've noticed that lots of people have scaled back. I keep thinking about it too--blogging is a lot of work. I post three times a week on one blog and once a week on another. But every time I think about scaling back someone will say, "I just love your blog--it's my treat with a cup of coffee--your stories always bring a smile to my face." And then I wonder if my blogging reaches more people than my novel.

Kelly Polark said...

I've noticed a decline, too. I only post once a week on my Book Rec blog and twice a month on my writing blog now. It's just hard to juggle everything. But I try to visit blogs a few times a week still, time allowing!
Happy Friday!

Summer Ross said...

I've noticed a decline- but I thought it was just on my blog because I took so much time away for schooling. Now I'm back- but only have time to post once a week with the whole just moved, editing interniship, and trying to find a job that pays. LOL

Heather Kelly said...

I love your dystopian theory. I do think that people are commenting less on blogs, and more on fb and twitter. Which makes me sad, because less comments can make it seem that people value blogging (and blogs) less. But I'm not sure it is so. I think people are still very much reading blogs, but they are talking about those blogs on other avenues.

But I also agree with Laura--I for one am at the point where I need to be writing more, and blogging less. There's balance to be found. I will always look for wealth of information and camaraderie in the blogging community.

Matthew MacNish said...

I have definitely noticed, and boy do I miss the good old days. But I think you're right, a lot of it has to do with people's goals evolving. Now if you and I could only get agents so our could too!

Rachel said...

I also have definitely noticed the scaleback on blogging but I still do it. I'm good at it and I love it, so why not?

I once spoke on the phone with a lit agent who told me "don't start a blog,start a Twitter". I did both. :-) (I'm RACHELWRITES007 on Twitter) I think it's helped because I can cross post but I still like blogging a little bit more. I think you get to know a person better by a longer post than 140 characters!

Have a good weekend, Katie! Enjoy the fall weather. :-)

D.G. Hudson said...

You notice less visiting and comments as everything has a growth and maturation path. Maybe it will morph into something new. I'm looking for the quality blogs, and I consider yours one of those.

My guess? As new bloggers get more followers, they start to visit less and try to upgrade their own site. Time is the determining factor in how much time we have to spend on our blogging, writing, managing work and family.

I vote for "living in France" posts or anything else you choose. Personally, I love hearing about the differences in the two cultures. Just switch up what you're doing, those Fridays with hubs are important!

prerna pickett said...

i've definitley noticed a lull. I think Fridays are the always busy with planning and outings and family time. It's natural.

Anonymous said...

It has been in decline for a long time. I still enjoy it very much, but I blog when I have something to say, and sometimes that is never! Schedules can make for contrived blogging. Do it if you enjoy it.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I agree that it's slower, though I'm still pretty busy when I have popular authors on and give away popular books. We're all busy and so it's hard to keep up. Don't feel bad if you have to cut back.

I'll have to check out Matt's post because I missed it.

Mel Chesley said...

I have noticed a lull, but it isn't just in the blogosphere. It's all over, actually. Twitter and FB are still going, but even on there it's all political and nothing personal. Links to new releases and the like are few and far between. While I still get lots of views on my blog, I don't get many comments any more. Probably my fault for not hopping around and leaving a comment. So I am working to fix that issue.
Still, I try to keep up with my usual posts and schedule. I have to keep it up, because if I fall out of the habit, it is very difficult to get back in.

Caryn Caldwell said...

Weekends (including Fridays) always seem slower on all the social networking sites, though it seems like people would browse more at work as they near the end of the week and are mentally ready for the weekend.

Old Kitty said...

I'm still bringing chocolate cupcakes and tea! LOL!

Although I now only blog once a week, I'm still hard pressed to keep up with everyone's blog posts!! LOL!! So I don't know if traffic's slowed down!! But I do notice lots of bloggie pals falling off the radar.... I hope they are ok!

Take care

mshatch said...

I think sometimes it's hard to keep up the pace of blogging and following and commenting. Nevermind writing and all those real life things we all have to do, like shower and pay bills and feed the cat. I'm still trying though!

Botanist said...

Definitely noticed a lull, and seen many bloggers announce that they are scaling back. My own posts are down too, because it was taking way too much time away from writing.


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